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BOOTCAMP September 2020


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Just finished Lesson 7.   My photos taken on overseas trips to the USA and Vietnam. Sydney was home so not a trip.


I used a background paper I found I had in my collection that had an interesting edge, two Aussie animal .pngs and a fun emoji.   I did not use glitter paper, but used glitter elements instead.   The text saying was another element that I just coloured.


It is lovely to see the different approaches everyone is making, the individual touch.

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No I have not done pinking before.  It is a new and exciting trick to me, and neat to know from another of your articles that it can be done with brush tool and picture tube tool too. What I have done another way is to add a frame around a photo by duplicating it and flooding the duplicate and enlarging it with the pick tool.  Not nearly as exact as your way.


I read the article on enlarging with the pick tool, but not sure from your critique note if my ribbon is wrong? It looks OK to my eye, but notice on your article that I cannot see a problem on a few of the examples like the Scrapbook logo square except one is rectangular and one square?  The kit I used  (and many of my collections over the years) has been reduced to 200 by a program I used on many of them to save space because I did not plan to do any scraping but loved the collections.  Thought I might use them for tags down the road. Do you think I might just as well trash all of them and start a new collection?


Thanks for your help! and the lovely tutorials.  Is there a way to save the tutorials to a folder?

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Hi Best Teacher,   Hi All  Love everyone's Art         Hi Euka Euka YEs Please may I get your template, thank You.  I dont know how yet to make them or use cliptoit, or do alot but I did this Project. :)


I did not Fuss, or Sweat, or have to walk away ect  I could follow instructions made me feel so good.   I need that. :)


This is Bruce my last rescute he turned out to be me, and I know he rescued me.   I used tubes paws and tube hands and Our Teachers Ribbon script, and the mail stamp from our Teachers store,  I used our Teachers button maker to match my work, and I made the tube of bruce and I used the Sparkle Script from our Teachers store. And I used the Kit our teacher put for us on the lesson  Thank you to them too and my Teacher.   woot woot...  no cussin or sweating no pouting just smiling.



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Rick, that is a beautiful dog and you really showcased him well.


Nathalie, I am glad you discovered those "tricks" and that they will be put to use in other projects. So many commands in PSP are just "hidden gems". Even if it asked for 3 photos, it is perfectly ok to add a 4th one, as it really was very suitable!


Jan, I love that wordart! It seems that the purple word is a bit hard to read. Are you able to change that color? If it is a png file, you can "paint" it using the trick described in this article.


Ann A, about the ribbon, if you look at the dog tag, it is no longer round and I can just assume it was round in its original format, which is what makes me suspect that when you used the Pick too, you didn't resize using a corner handle, but a side one. Can you look at the original ribbon/tag to see if the tag was round or not? Maybe I am wrong?


Cindy, I recognize those sparkles!!! good work on those! I think I will have to make a tutorial just for that Clip To It script! :) One little suggestion: the paw tracks would probably look more defined without shadows. If they are "prints", they likely would not have shadows at all. Just a detail. If you have kept all the layers and the shadows are on separate layers, try to hide the shadows and see how it looks.

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My very pink PINK project.  The 3 flowers are West Aust wildflowers and the Camellias were from my mother's garden.  I have been leaving space at the bottom of my projects so I can add text later.


The papers are mine including the vellum, the pink strip is from the photo I used for the background colour and the 2 lighter ones coloured from the lighter camellia. The elements from my stash.


Thanks for article you posted for Jan it was very interesting - recolouring is an area I have been struggling with, esp. when I make a textured paper,  to keep the texture featured the only way I have found seems to be the hue/sat/colorize but the colours like you said in the article are not always right, but then I do get some interesting ones!  I do convert to grey scale first .


Cindy - if you would like to email me your email I can send you the template I made and a paper you can use as it would be too big to post here .. my email is euka2308@gmail.com    Hope that is ok Carole.



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My Project lesson 9.    As I also use a program called PoserPro 11 V3 I had made these images in it, so I decided to showcase them as The Girls of Paris.  Bye the way Poser uses 3D models, so that is what these are.


I did learn and use those two tricks Carole demonstrated in the Video with the frames and the Pinking of edges.  I was trying to do frames before around photos, but of course it was not this technique, so it did not work out.   Thanks Carole, neat trick, I will use this again.


Edit to add, that the girl in the sunglasses must have still been a .png so this is what happened with the frame and I liked it, so kept it.


So ool la la, the girls of Paris



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Day 9 Project  #4 - But it's not Bees, it's Bears! This incident happened last Sunday at my grandkids gender reveal party. We were out in the woods and black bears are common in the area.  Interacting with wild bears like this is definitely a no, no! The animal, more likely than not, becomes used to human contact; repeatedly ventures close to homes and ends up euthanized because the homeowners are frightened by this persistent bear. My daughter, in blue, reached out to the bear and he snapped at her arm but, luckily, just grabbed her shirt! My grandson, in shorts, really started the trouble by enticing the bear closer instead a chasing it away, as he should have. My other, older granddaughter, who is a wildlife biologist gave him "HECK!" She did call the wildlife people and they said, just shoo it away, so we did by banging pots together and using a long pole to push it away. It eventually left, meanwhile I was shooting a video, which is where these stills came from.


I started with a kit called Somewhere in Time but added to it from one called Adventure Time. I found the bear silhouette on CleanPNG.com but it was persistently insisting on having a green background, though it looked white or transparent in my files. I would select the bear and copy/paste as a new layer and the background would be there too! I  finally selected the bear and CUT it from it's background and pasted as a new image just to test it and that worked!


I used the Adjust/Depth of Field tool to isolate the bear a bit and blur the busy backgrounds in the photos.  You won't find that paper with that striped pattern anywhere because I took one from the kit and changed all the pink stripes to dark blue. And I used the Effects/3D Effects/Chisel on the date on the rock, with just a hint of a white shadow that made the text pop.


The title is an alpha from the kit that took some fiddling to get it to fit. The apostrophe in DON'T is the top half of the exclamation point reduced.


Enjoy, but remember, DON'T FEED THE BEARS! ;)


EDIT: I couldn't take the color of the chairs any more so I pulled them back and filled with dark blue sueded texture.

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This was a pic that I happened to get lucky with. First my camera didn't have the macro lens on. Then I had to hunt for the tripod. Then I had to find the little critter again while he posed for this shot. Here's my Project 5.

Thanks Cassel for all the tips and tricks and a great workshop. I learned quite a bit about scrapbooking, and now that I have gotten my feet wet who knows where it takes me.



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Project 5 is done and dusted. This pic is of my two granddaughters when the youngest was only days old and eldest 18 mos. They were sleeping next to each other on the couch but somehow their little hands found each other!


This boot camp was excellent!  I have been so excited to get up and see what the "Project of the day" was going to be along with the new lesson. Thank you again for sharing your wealth of knowledge Cassel!


I created my own background paper from the early beginnings of this project, and also made the heart elements and frame. I struggled with the text in the selection box but finally got it to work. When I got it it was magical! That is one trick I will have to practice with to get it down to the science.


Oh man this group is full of talented people. I have so enjoyed seeing your beautiful work! Thank you to all of you for sharing and inspiring.

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Euka, it is quite ok if you want to share your work. If the file is not huge, you can also post a link in this section, but you have to host it somewhere else than in the Campus (Dropbox or other). And that very pink page is very pretty and the colors match perfectly the photos.


Jan, I have often seen Posers as "creepy creatures" shapes. Yours are more attractive and "normal". Great idea to showcase them, and I am glad you used those tricks! That is the goal.


Ann S, that is a great page and also a great story. I hope you will find a way to incorporate that story either with your page or with a matching page, which could then make a double-page.


Ann A, if you have saved your page in .pspimage format, you can re-add that tag and make sure you use the corner handles of the Pick tool to resize it. See how it differs.


Rick, if you stick around, you will have more opportunities to try other scrapbooking projects! I love how you used the technique shown to create those regular but uneven shapes on your page. That is how the same projects can be customized and look completely different and unique.


Nathalie, that is such a sweet photo you showcased! I am really happy that you enjoyed this Bootcamp. Stay tuned for our next "challenge", in the next month.


Cindy, there seems to be a theme of the day with "Sisters"!

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My Teacher, My Teacher,


I HAD SO MUCH FUN, IT WAS LIKE CALGONE.   i FOLLOWED YOU PERFECTLY,  except for font had some problems and trying to move layers around that's always a puzzle, hate it when it takes me like 5 tries is there a secret to moving them the first time like you do?


Euka Euka, I tried to friend you on fb I wanted to get that temp you said, I could but this lesson made me feel powerful going to go and re Read what you said, and try to do it.


The kit was one I bought on Pixel Srapbookers, I hope they dont mind I, kinda fudged some of it for how I wanted this to look.







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Here's my final submission for this class. I was looking for an interesting photo to feature and these goofy guys filled the bill! This is my grandson in front horsing around with his soon-to-be brother-in-law who is also the soon-to-be Daddy from the gender reveal. We were at the engagement party for my oldest granddaughter and her fiancé.


I used papers from Somewhere in Time and the word art is from the Frootloop kit. The font is Impact which I played with by duplicating it and coloring the dupe with the darkest shade from the background and positioning it like a shadow behind the tan title. I wanted to make it look like the wood had some thickness. Flowers and bows didn't seem to fit the theme so I gave them a ribbon award from the Exuberance kit instead.


Most interested to see the results of the contest on Monday! Good luck, everyone!!

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here are the besties again. i am going to actually try to do a whole scrap book of just those two and their adventures for a christmas gift. but instead of printing them my brother gave me an idea of getting a photo frame that rotates the photos so i will give that a try. i just have to find that perfect scrap kit lol with lots of different papers  and elements so each page will be different but the whole theme blends together.

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My final project has been a disaster from start to finish :(  my pc keeps either freezing completely  or takes forever to open any tools and I have cleared the cache and rebooted several times.  I also had an idea of how I wanted to work it but that didn't come together as I planned either.   Tomorrow is another day so hopefully everything will fall into place then.


Cindy, I emailed you the paper templates shortly after I got your email - we are in different time zones so I am sorry  you didn't get them earlier.


Love the sisters/brothers/best friends theme!

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Hi Teacher, aka Mrs. Carole, aka Awesome Black Belt, Grandma, Nicest Soul in Canada, oh man got so many Ill just get on with it


Euka Euka   so excited thank you for the paper you ROCK.   Hey heres my 5lesson with scallops I like the best, and one of what I put on fb its same one but with crown on my baby sister Black Eyes.   Shes Blackeyes 2 Momms the main one. Now shes Black eyes mommas Momma.



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Cindy, I am glad you managed all the projects without pulling your hair this time around. You are definitely a perseverant student and your work shows your determination.


Ann S, that is certainly a fun photo and it deserved to be showcased.


Lavada, that is a lovely layout. The flower on the dot of the I is a great choice. It is a great idea to get one of those "digital frames".

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My Teacher,


it cause your a good Teacher I gave up real scrapbooking after I throw at least 8-- out the window.  And I love it  My worst times was No hair pulling out. The 20 times I reset my password on this site,  Oh I wont go into my mistakes but so Thankful to being where I am, and cant wait to get better Plus  I am in on the Drawings... so excited.....   and the Nice Ppl here you attract good ppl.

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My final project in this Bootcamp, thanks Carole for taking the time to put these up and for your encouragement and helpful suggestions.


Paradise Falls is a very small waterfall in a pretty area in Victoria - the photo on the left shows the fall, the background is the fall also but standing behind it.  The centre background photo is the ground in front of my grand daughters 'dabbing' on a rock and the whitish area is the fall of the water  - it disappears into the ground!  The squares and font colours are taken from the images.  The frame I made.


I have enjoyed taking part in this Camp and especially enjoyed the talents showcased and the stories the projects told so thanks to all for the inspiration and sharing while learning along the way.

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I had some computer troubles with folders freezing and strange things happening until I rebooted and waited so I could finish my Lesson eleven image.


I decided to use elements instead of a photo for the main focus (could not decide on a suitable photo as I take mainly birds, animals flowers or landscapes)  The majority of my elements came from Creativefabrica.com who have daily freebies or great deals.


This has been fun and stirred my creative juices, thank you Carole for your tips in the tutorials.  Everyone has done a great job on their lesson images, I have loved them all.



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Working on my last lesson, but fixed the previous one.  My eye cannot see a lot of difference but here is undistorted element.  I had to select/copy  and paste ends on it to make it long enough without getting too big for the composition, but not distorted now..  Thanks!
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