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July Random Challenge - CLUSTER TEMPLATE


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Hello Annie, I am happy to see your smiling photo here again! :)


I understand that this is not an easy time for many people, with all the limitations and burdens that covid brings, but I do hope to see you here more often, showing your beautiful work. Stay safe and well, my friend. Hugs and <3!

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Thanks dear Cristina. It is a global depression that is settling in and for those of us who suffer from that dreadful malady it is like trying to stay on the surface of quicksand. I am usually able to stay in touch with my mojo but this time it appears to have ideas of its own, :( I am attending the Using Scripts in Paint Shop Pro webinar this morning so perhaps that will give me a creative boost. Lovely to hear from you my friend, stay safe and well. <3
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The month is over, and I finally finished a project for this challenge.


Finding colors was my main problem, and I tried different options for the background: Notebook Page, Kraft Paper, different textures, etc...  I read yesterday a post from Monique (Bootcamp), where she mentioned Carole's tip to play with HSL... I gave it a try, and I liked my first attempt. The original background color was yellow and this is what I got :0


Carole's tutorials: Word Frame, Metallic Element, Yard Stick, and Pop Up Masterclass.

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Michele, thank you so much for your kind comment. I really appreciate it!! <3


If you could only have seen my struggles! LOL ... Yesterday, I was going to upload the LO with the light yellow background, although not happy, when I read the post. So, I gave it a last try, and it worked... It is not every day that the ideas come easily, but it is part of the game. :)

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Annie a nice cluster created...


Cristina  a wonderfully created page of Olivia... love it !....  great effect of the postage stamp look on the photos and the cluster looks great ...everything fits so beautifully together.


best wishes to you both,





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Dawn, thank you so much for your kind comment! I really appreciate it.  <3


I had the idea of using the postage stamp look on the photos watching Carole's last Masterclass "Using Scripts" when she showed the Postage Stamp Script. As I said before, the Campus and what everyone posts here is always a source of inspiration for me. :)

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