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Travel Tale Challenge 2020


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Morning, all.  I have only just registered for this challenge, the first since I began scrapbook bootcamp a few weeks ago.  I am off to look after my granddaughter soon, but as when I get back I shall be getting my pics together to begin my travel challenge.  Having seen the postings already made, there are some awesome graphics already.  Cheerio for now, just packing my bags and will see you soon.
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I've had to sit around and wait for some business affairs to come in ... so I worked on day 2. I took a hint from Lyn's nice pretty vivid colors and broke out of my usual box of neutrals. LOL Not too long ago I went on just a short day hop to a place where you get on an overly large air/pontoon type boat and they take you out to the mangrove islands in the Peace River where all the Woodstorks hang out. Once the young is hatched, the females take to the air and it's the males job to raise and protect him. You can see them EVERYWHERE in the tall bush islands and when it gets hot they spread their wings out and stand there for hours on end in the hot sun protecting/shading the little one. It was cool to see. Off in the distance you could see the females flying and feasting making up for a lot of lost time, I guess.
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Hello everyone.  I am a little late but better late than never is what I always say.


I was born and raised in Moncton, New Brunswick but when I finished school I moved to Ontario.  It has been many years since I have been back but I hope to correct this by going this summer.






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A friend from Chicago met me at Orly Aiport for a 2-week driving tour of The Loire Valley. A travel agent friend did the itinerary and made the arrangements. Starting in Paris on the day after Bastille Day while the Parisians were still recovering from the revelry, we began the adventure with a few days in the city followed by visits to Chartes Cathedral and several chateaus then back to Paris.


I experimented with Pic-to-Painting, layering, masks, and blend modes with varying degrees of success. Unfortunately, the pictures from the trip were lost to water damage several years ago, so I used stock images (which are MUCH better than the ones I took!)

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Carole and Others ..This was a trip I took "back in the day"..I have many pictures, but they are in print. It would take a long time to find them, then scan them to digital. ..I'm still wondering what tomorrow will bring...:-) , and I hope I'm on the right track.
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Hello , I have finally completed day 1. At first I had no idea what to do after I had made my silhoutte, but in the end I got there. I made the mistake to do a border on the wrong layer and I intend to rectify that if this challenge is over because I have to make the silhoutte of Washington again. For now this must do.
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Day 1:  Sorry I got behind. This is about my son and I traveling to Central America. We went on the plane from Birmingham. Alabama to Atlanta, Georgia. From Atlanta we  took the plant to Santo Domingo Dominican Republic. We stayed at Palenque in a beautiful motel next to the sea.


I will try to word on Day 2 later today.

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I had to come to cabot and I forgot to pack my laptop cord :( it dead almost forgot to plug it in yesterday to busy and dr appts...  but  dont count me out maybe I can still be here.   I am with you guys.   We have somthing come up.  thanks Nice work watching at least.
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The Day 1 challenge was fun to try and get my head around. I had some initial ideas on what I wanted to do but the destination theme caused a rethink. I still have lots of things to learn about adding interesting effects to the image. I came back 3 times to see what people were submitting and got some good ideas. So, thanks everyone for your unknowing help.
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This really sparked my imagination! I enjoy photographing birds--where would I like to go to photograph some I've never seen before? Why not Costa Rica? I've never been, but I would like to go, and I found out it's less than 3 hrs by plane from my home!  So that's where I'm going on my imaginary journey and, who knows, maybe next year I'll go there for real!
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Day 2 : I did Day 1 earlier today, but I think I got confused with what I was suppose to create.


I did Day 2 right now and I hope I did it right. My son and I went to Central America 8 years ago (The Dominican Republic) It beautiful over there. I hope I did this one right. Carole, I learned something new today, about using the pen tool and holding the shift tool to make a straight line. Thank you.

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Travel Tale Challenge Day 3 


I took 3 hours to do this one. My Paint shop pro 2020 is not working right. I will try to do a better stamp next time.


I put up a photo of the Hotel we stayed at, and also the outside dinning area. We were a walking distance from the ocean. This is at Palenque, Dominican Republic, close to Santo Domingo.

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A friend and I went to Sea World in Orlando, Florida, at Christmas 2019. It was a lovely experience ... they had bells ringing, carols playing, decorations galore and festive treats!  There was a spectacular Laser Light show as it got dark featuring a whole lot of Christmas trees on the water all timed to music and sights.  Just as it got dark enough, they had snow jets blowing snow all over the place.  I kind of laughed as I came 1500 miles to get away from snow!  It was fun though.   It was a wonderful day!  We went just prior to covid-19 hitting the states.  Don't think I would be too comfortable in those kinds of crowds now, so happy we went when we did!  It was a colorful and joyous day spent with a friend who would probably not be physically capable of doing it now.  Good timing! i tried to put the colorful day in my piece ... and also used Cassel's date stamp script! I am just getting to play with some of her scripts and they are soooooo much fun!
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When I thought about a double-page, I was put off thinking it would need lots of stuff. My next thought was, it really just means bigger stuff. Once I got started, I realize my first instinct was more accurate.


These pictures are from a trip to San Francisco to visit a friend from college. Our trip to Muir Woods National Monument was exceptionally memorable. Cathedral Grove is a section where everyone is silent, allowing the sounds of nature to immerse the worshiper.


On the way back, we stopped to soak in the majesty of the ocean views. The sound of the crashing waves was a worthy postlude.

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Euka, weren't you lucky that this trip took place before these difficult times? On your page, if you added some shadows to the papers, it would give them more definitions. You can add shadows on their own layers so if you don't like them, you can always change your mind.


Shirley, that "angled" frame looks great on that page!!! I see that netting you were asking about. Is that one you made or one you downloaded? It certainly fit well on your page.


Krystyna, we'll be waiting for your layouts! :)


Brian, good start with the BC outline. And remember that it is expected for just about everyone to change their mind along the way. Did you stop in Belleville? You didn't continue to the Maritimes?


Minka, that white text on the pink strip seems hard to read when resized. Is it legible at full size? If so, don't change anything. We know that resized layouts are slightly distorted, but the important thing is whether it is legible for you and who you will share it with. That Sea World page is so colorful! It really transpires that fun time you had.


Isabel, did you happen to distort those maps? Remember never to try to squeeze an image in a space. You would be better off cropping some extras if it is too large OR rearrange the layers. You can move them, overlap them, or even make a second page. That would keep those maps more proportional to the actual trip you took. I love the wood slat background on the second project you posted! on your Day 3 project, I have just a suggestion: *IF* you ever plan on printing those pages into an album, try to leave a little bit more space in the very center for the binding. Of course, if you don't plan on printing, you can ignore that suggestion.


Lois, I didn't know you were from NB!!! Can you imagine that maybe we could have met unknowingly?


Peggy, even if you don't have actual photos of the trip, you do have the stories. Pictures can always be "borrowed" somewhere else, but the stories will still be yours! By the way, did you get the emails in the end? You know, for the trip, you can use two pages since it is such a long route :)


Gerry, remember that you tell YOUR stories. And borrowed photos are totally ok! It is sad that those photos were lost, but the memories aren't, right? And if you are using Pic-to-Painting as a common thread throughout your project, it would be very nice. And talking about double pages, you are right both ways: you can showcase photos in larger format, but you can also showcase more if you have a lot. But remember that while using templates, you can always change the elements or photo areas provided. If you don't have enough photos (or if you don't want to post that many) you can remove them or replace some by some paper pieces. You are the creator and the templates are just starting points.


Corrie, as mentioned in the emails, it is ok to post something even if you are not 100% satisfied. It will still be a starting point and you can change later. As new tutorials will be added, you might want to revisit previous pages anyways, so let's keep them as open books, ready to edit further.


Cindy, there is no deadline, so if you start later, don't hesitate to still post here.


Art, remember that we all have different styles. Some will like to have lots of embellishments, others prefer simpler projects, so it is ok. Have you added shadows to your photos and elements on your page? If so, you might consider adding some more prominent ones to give more 3D effect.


Barbara, of course, you CAN document a dream trip. Who knows? Maybe later, you can actually make it come true and then, you can add real photos and details to the initial project! I smiled when looking at your passport: we created one that is quite similar for a project at work: same color, same design!


Lynda, that looks like a long trip! Beware of not squishing the map. It does look distorted on your page. You can consider adding more shadows. Make sure you add them on separate layers in case you change your mind. It would make your papers and photos stand out more on the Day 3 pages. .

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