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June SONG Challenge - Children's song


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The SONG challenge will encourage you to use either a title of a song, a phrase or any part of the lyrics from a song from the artist/group mentioned. Those titles and lyrics can often inspire you or match our feelings of the moment.


Are you up to the challenge?


Do you sometimes see a photo and it makes you think of a children's song or rhyme? Why not use the title or parts of the lyrics as a title for your project?


What song is coming to your mind, right now?

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This is a French song that states that painting with oil paint is harder but it looks better than using water paint. I had those two photos of my sons: when they were really young, I would give them water to "paint" the fence. It would keep them busy for hours. Then, a few years later, we gave them real paint.
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Here in the Netherlands we have a nursery rhyme about those hats you can make by folding paper, I think every one knows them. We spend a rainy afternoon folding hats. All the puppets including the barbies got one  and of course we got one ourselfs. And I have a photo of it. As I followed the masterclass on templates last sunday I deciced to combine these two things and I came up with this. This time the text is in Dutch; translated in English it would not make sense. But it goes as follows:


one, two, three, four


little hat of, little hat of


one, two, three, four


little hat of paper

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