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BOOTCAMP - May 2020


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Last day. Concentration. Duck shooting activities commenced this weekend in NZ I thought when I found this black and white photo of us plucking the game catch, why not do a black and white theme. Yes that's me on the left.
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Thanks for the solution to my disappearing text. I've learned something else!!


And yes, I had forgotten to add the shadows that time.


You would think that, as I have been retired for a long time, I would have lots of free time....... but the reverse is true.


I am doing things now which I would never have considered while I was working. In addition to gardening and other household chores, yesterday I spend a couple of hours playing bridge on-line with some friends and then watched a two and a half hour opera and also about an hour facetimeing with a grandchild. He was playing some of his classical violin pieces he was learning for his university.


Thanks for your time. I learned quite a few things about PSP during this bootcamp. I have used PSP for quite a few years but primarily to process photographs prior to printing or paining (I also use Corel Painter to do digital fine art).

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Project 5 redo. Thanks Carole for pointing me in the right direction as far as keeping a vector copy of text as well as rasterising the text. I was having trouble saving my PSP file so I decided to redo it. My first file was 722MB. My redo is down to 53MB. I think the smaller file size has helped with the processing as I had no trouble saving or converting to jpg. The jpg now contains the body text that had previously not appeared. Happy bunny. I have reuploaded file below.


In the process I have come across some useful buttons in the option bar for spacing out objects evenly. I could select all the object layers of my squares at once (in shift) and click on the button 'Distribute Horizontal Left'. Voila! I came across these buttons because I was trying to rescale all the squares at once using the handles. I could see the handles surrounding the multiple collection of squares but it wouldn't let me drag a corner square to rescale. Don't know why.


In Day 12 you asked for tips and tricks of ours that we could share. One tip of my own I can share with those who haven't yet approached the projects in this way, is to prepare the exercises first by gathering the elements and doing a draft sketch of intentions for the design. In support of that method, a collection of papers, elements and photos etc, arranged into folders has helped with organisation. When I joined the Bootcamp in March I was not prepared in this way and everything took a lot longer than for the May Bootcamp.


Yes the subject and the software does grab you so you can't put the projects down. I now understand what some of you have been saying all along. Thank you again for a good introduction.

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I am posting the 4th project with the bow the proper color and the final project. I learned a lot from this bootcamp. I wasn't a scrapbooking person before so it took a little time to change my thinking. Most of my experience with PSP was in attempting to edit photos and I am just a beginner. Thanks for all the video tutorials, I watched them many times. I appreciate being able to see other people's work and learn from them

Thanks again


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Merci beaucoup Carole pour tes commentaires, surtout en français, c'est très apprécié et plus facile pour moi hihihi


Ça fait déjà quelques années que je travail avec le logiciel, mais je n'avais jamais pris le temps de l'apprendre.  Ça me sera aussi utile au travail qu'à la maison.


Tu expliques très bien.


Merci pour tout.



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It has been a joy to come here and see all the amazing and creative work posted daily. Each one, in her/his style, created beautiful layouts. Congrats to Everyone!


Here is my Project #5


The flower and papers are from the "WeLoveSummer" kit by Palvinka.


Font: Plump


Carole, like always, I had lots of fun participating in this challenge. It is an opportunity to go over techniques I might forget if I don't practice over and over. Thank you!

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Dear Cassel


I have learned a number of things during the bootcamp such as:


- the constraints of trying to resize a file in which I have put text within a selection,


- the adding of drop shadows in appropriate places to give a feeling to the final image


- the manipulation of text to make interesting titles and


the use of Guides and the Snap-to-guide feature




I was also pleased to browse through your Blogs and Scripts.


I found the "Open As Layer" script and used it extensively during this bootcamp.

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Mireille, as-tu inclus des ombres dans le projet #4? Si oui, il est possible qu'elles aient besoin d'être plus prononcées à cause du fond qui est foncé. Ça semble être le seul projet où les ombres sont soit manquantes ou trop discrètes.


Cristina, yes, I had a blog post about different ways to hide faces. Pixelating is one way, but there are others!


Glenson, I am glad you learned those tips. This program is so powerful that most people don't even explore it outside of what they just need. Yet, sometimes, other tools or settings could make those processes faster or simpler!

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Well finally! It has taken me a bit to get this project completed. I am having major difficulty with the text tool. Sometimes the text stays active and sometimes it does not. Sometimes I try to put in new text but end up changing the old text. Obviously I need more practice. I am learning a lot and eager to try a few things moving forward. One thing I forgot to mention on project 4 was that I was having a lot of trouble getting the white frame to 'fill in.' I ended up having to change the tolerance level much higher to cover over the pine boughs. Took me a bit to figure that out. On to project 5 - in retrospect, probably should have used a plain paper instead of the print, but it was so pretty. It meant that I was not able to get a good contrasting colour so I used black and increased the reach of the shadow. I know that we could manipulate the 4 hexagons, but I will have to go back and see if you can change the size of the hexagons. Do you have to change one and then all the others or is there a short cut for that? Last question, I would like to print my creations, is there something special that I need to do? Save as a particular size, type, etc.? I would like to print on photo paper - 8.5 x 11 and put a frame around it if possible. Any guidance would be appreciated.


In closing, I have enjoyed this session and learned an awful lot. It has also shown me that there is so much more to learn. The creativity of all the participants has been incredible. I look at the finished products and say - that was neat, I should have done that, how did they do that, where did they get those cool elements.


Thanks so much Carole and all participants.


Stay safe and keep creating!

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Marica, no, there is no way to resize one element and have all of the other ones follow suit. It could be a great suggestion to send to Corel. I tested to see if several layers being selected, one could resize only those selected layers but it does not seem to work; it only resizes one of the selected layers. Too bad.


For the white frame, it is a problem with the Fill tool. One thing I didn't think of explaining in the video is to set the Match mode to None. If it is set once, it should stay there, and the tool will work as you expect.


As for printing, you can use a photo paper although unless you have an extra-wide printer, you would have to size the pages down to 8x8 (instead of 12x12). There are also some online print shops that can print full-size too. You can find some links in the Resources > Outside resources section of the Campus. Just make sure you keep a full-size .pspimage version of your page, just in case, then save as .jpg with the highest quality (lowest compression). That is the format you would want to send to a print shop. If you do it from home, I guess you can always use the File > Print Layout and print directly from PSP.

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