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What are you working on (in May 2020)?


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Wow, so much creativity going on here! Different styles, techniques... Libera, you inspired us with your Pic to Painting work! This is one thing I like here, how we get inspired by everybody that posts here. Great job, Everyone!
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Well Ladies,


I finally got Pic to Painting to work but , sadly, only on my laptop...still not working on my desktop.


Can't figure it out. I uninstalled  PtoP from both computers and reinstalled but it's only working on the desktop.


Anyone have a fix , please share!  :-)

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I dont know if this will work LYN , when I first ad it it didnt work, well to get it to work I had to double klk the sctual fill in explorer, but it wouldnt open under plugins, even though I told it where to go.

In the end I decided to try moving the file to a plug in file that I knew was working for other plugins, it has worked fine ever since.

I thought this was just a fluke, butit might work for you too. x

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Hi Carole I tried again and again I cant get it right I dont know how. :( Templates elude me I cant fill them right but got this but I have no font thats fat the U always is a problem to cover my picture I got my picture finally :( but templates are so hard.
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I've been absent for awhile---I just haven't felt good lately, so the last thing I wanted to do was work on anything.


So, I don't have anything to show at the moment, but wanted to pop in and say Hi and get caught up.  Hope everyone is doing ok!  :)

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Hi Colleen,


It is so nice you came here to say Hi. We all have phases when we slow down or don't feel very creative. Take your time, and when you feel better, we will be very happy to see you here on the Campus sharing your work. Stay safe and healthy! :)

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Random Challenge Generator #2


I really bit off a bit more than I could chew. This took me longer than any other project BUT it was good I made myself stick with it  because I learned a lot of new things I had never known about and I hope I got it all done correctly.


Your challenge:

Number of photos: 1

Title & Text: Kidnap Alpha-

Paper Use: Folded Edge

Embellishment 1: Bar Code

Featured Shape: Hexagon

Embellishment 2: Stain

Color Combination: Brown

Embellishment 3: Admission Ticket

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I just had to share this. I didn't realize that Cass's summer punches included edge punches! I love, love, love the edge punches. They made it so easy to create frames and embellishments. (Best viewed full size. Pinks and reds seem to blur easily.)
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Michele, very nice work! I have the Summer Punches brushes and never thought of using the edge punches as a frame like you did. There are so many options on how one can use those brushes, and besides you, I remember Dawn and Sue showcasing different ways.
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