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Wise Words Challenge 2020


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Okay dear Scrapbook Campers, I started out determined to comment on each page individually but I got overwhelmed! I will now say for all those whom I have missed ... and there are many ... beautiful work my friends. It is indeed a great pleasure to get on here everyday and feast on the delightful pages ... Thank You! <3
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Euka   Love your ANZAC Day tributes.   Very special day but going to be so different.    This will be the first time in 30 years I haven't laid the wreath for the Fire Service here  and been to services or marchs.  But I was up at the front gate this morning to burn a candle and lay a wreath.
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Day 5.  I love the subtle contrasts in this photo by Andreas M and which I sourced from Unsplash.  The layout is from Cassel's template and the papers and elements are from a kit titled Bewitching Autumn which I purchased many moons ago from Digi Scrapbooking Boutique.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Day 5

I did this one with the colours of Australia-  background is for  Doreatha MacKellars poem..... the lines...... I love a sunburnt country / wide brown land for me  are just a couple of lines of her poem.

and of course the 'green and gold'.

This is our cousin who has made 2 trips to Australia now from Canada.

Not too sure about the letters..... Canadian I'm happy with -  Cousin and Visit look a little 'cramped'

I swapped out the elements with a bouquet of Australia flowers.

But didn't know how to overlap like that so enjoyed doing it.

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Not really happy with this but its so late.  State property taxes which includes cars, special items like jewelry and of course your home as well.  Lots of folks are running out of cash and I still can not get <chokes> toilet paper.


Folks are starting to panic again a bit I fear.

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Carole, on day 3 I noticed that a lot of participants had used the same template that you had used for the project and they could follow the tutorial to each process and put the text exactly where you did. I had issues with the text wrapping because  I just got lost with the process. I have done it before so i will have another shot sometime.


For the shadows correction on Day 4, I   usually duplicate the layers before I  drop shadow, I see what you mean,  point taken, thanks.

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Day 6  keeping with the  various ways to use the text tool, I  used font swashes,  a font heart to create the frame, and text on a curve.  I feel that the quote I created can describe everyone  here, including myself.  I'm always seeking to learn, striving to do my best, and whatever I do, I put my heart and soul into it.  There are three ground squirrels in this project, can you see the third one? :-)   Thank you Annie for you kind words, it's so nice to see  you back taking part in this challenge, don't do to much to soon, fully recover first before you get back into the swing of things.  I trust you are feeling much better though.    As for everyone else, such outstanding creating!
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