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What are you working on (in March 2020)?


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I admit I have not visited as much so I went all the way back to March 10th. Here are my numerous comments:


Minka: The Vase is beautiful. It truly would go perfect in my dining room.

Living so close to Norfolk tug boats really fascinate me. I love yours.

I was blown away by your Mnodes. What a contrast! Love it.. Your series of first hand social distancing made this crisis up front and personal. I just saw your owls. Wow I guess I too need to learn more about lace.


Bonnie: That two year is so cute. He look a wee bit mischievous too. I used to have to do the bulletin board so I totally understand. 89th Betty birthday WoW! Made the idea of hiking in Colorado seem like an everyday thing but nicely done as well. Your sunrise was so serene


Trish: Your papers are so pretty and I just loved those swans. You irish page was well green lol. No I relly like that one too. That late night was worth the time for sure and the stars ne does look faded. I have had that happen a couple of times as well. I just saw Dreams. A wee bit dark from you usual but I loved the golden touch which I think always looks better with dark colors.


Helen: Your memories of your mom tugged on mine. No matter how old we get we will always miss them so very much.


Christina: That is the best use of slats I have ever seen. Well done


Sue: I will never get enough of your wildlife. That tiny nuttalls..you just want to hold him/her.

I guess I will have to try that script you all are talking about so much.


Lynda: I truly enjoy Cassel's bow & ribbon scripts. They totally induce hypnosis watching them.

Your playing with the Photo Splash script on my second favorite flower was most interesting. What you then did with the iriss was fantastic.


Annie: Your puffin was pure fun. I loved your changes to him too. He has to be a male all puffed up like that. <nod nod>


Every One:  Have you seen the corona virus scrapbook kit online yet? What are you thoughts about such a kit? Is it tacky? tasteless? or timely?

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Haven't shared in a while, but I still create something for my gaming group's daily theme. I kind of liked this one. It's a combination of three pics. I made masks on the two musicians using a technique from the Photo-Graphics master class.


Love everything you are all doing. Hugs!

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Thank you for everyone's kind words. I love your puffin, Annie. We have puffins in Maine. People think they are a big bird but in reality they are pretty small. They are also protected. You aren't even allowed to go on the island where they are. They are out on Matinicus Rock. Everyone's work has been lovely and I like looking at them and snagging some ideas of something to check out or try later on - or look for in one of Cassel's classes. I don't have anything to share this afternoon but I did have a couple of questions. I wondered if you all would share. I recently bought a Wacom tablet and while I have had it a little while, right after I got it my life got busy with having to move and I packed it back up in the box and haven't tackled it as yet. I would like to know if any of you work on a tablet and where, if any you know about, would be a good resource to learn to use it ... well, other than just trial and error. When I first got it I set it all up, but it seemed very overwhelming. Then I had to move and had no time to learn. Now that I am in my own house, I have the time - well, extra time now that we all have nowhere to go ... so I set it back up and want to try again. Anybody got any good tips on them? Also, Dorothy, I lived in Norfolk three times as my Dad was career Navy. I still have plenty of family there and my nephew is a tug boat Captain there and he took me out to spend the day on his tug one day when we were visiting. It was a long work day but I had a blast! Trish, I loved your pop art. Great one as it had a renaissance vibe going on. I love all the scrapbook ones, too ... I am just not good at that. Trying, but just not something I ever did. Lynda, love your Arizona graphics. They are a real storyboard of your adventure. You ladies are turning out some great uses on that Photosplash Script. All very unique. Sue's canadian goose looks just like he is splashing that water off! Thanks for any info you can offer.
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Minka, to answer your question, I am using an old Wacom tablet. It is set on my desktop, and I have no mouse plugged on that computer (other than the mouse that CAN be used on the tablet, but I NEVER use it). My suggestions are these:


- find a comfortable place to set it up. I have tried putting it on the right of my keyboard, but it didn't feel comfortable or natural. I ended up setting it right in front of me, on the drawer that is supposed to hold the keyboard. I find that it feels just like writing on a piece of paper in front of me. Then, I moved the keyboard on the desk itself.


- hide your mouse for a while. Force yourself to use the tablet for a while. It can be used with PSP for sure, but it can also be used everywhere else: text documents, surfing the net, etc. It can take you a good week at least to start getting comfortable with using the stylus instead of the mouse.


- get acquainted with the options of your tablet and stylus. Some will have a way to replicate the right-click, some will have a button for Back (like when you navigate on a browser), some will need you to touch the tablet others allow you to just hover. Check what settings you CAN adjust also to make it more comfortable.


- practice!


Good luck!

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Ha Ha Lyn thanks for the compliment, she will be 26 in a couple of months and living in London , bit scary at this time.

he would rather give birth to a racing bike, loves getting his knee down as he seys.

Well another project done, I Blueprint, I have the script, but I think this has come out better than any I have done by the script, although I use that on older, complicated buildings, so might make a difference. will have to try it on this photo.



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This is a very rough draft of an attempt at northern lights.


You can't really see the starry sky with this thumbnail, but if you click on the pic, you can see it. I did the sky by adding noise to a black fill, then adjusting the levels (Adjust>Brightness/Contrast>Levels) to get more black & a random scattering of stars. Then for the northern lights, I used the Ionized brush in the Particle Shop plug-in (which came with my PSP2020). I then added a motion blur, but it didn't do exactly what I wanted, so I added more blur by using gaussian blur.


(I don't think I know how to use the motion blur correctly. What I was trying to do was blur the brush stroke in a vertical manner. It did it a little, but not enough, which is when I added the gaussian blur as well.)


Anyway, this is just from playing around & it's not good enough to use a paper yet, but I wanted to post it here because I think the Ionized brush is really cool.


If anyone has better ideas on how to do northern lights, please let me know.  :)


P.S. I watched a Photoshop tutorial on how to do the starry sky. Using PSP, I had to play around more with the levels, but the tutorial gave me the gist. If there is a tutorial here on how do a starry sky, let me know, because I would much prefer to follow Cassel's PSP tutorials, not Photoshop.

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Hi Colleen. I cannot see a post from you and unlike Lynda I did not receive an email. A similar thing happened to me a couple of months ago and I figured that it had to do with 2 people posting at exactly the same time. One post seems to go through but the other misses. Just my observation Hon. <3
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Thanks Lynda! I'll post it again...


This is a very rough draft of the northern lights in a starry sky. (You'll need to click on the pic to see the stars).


I couldn't find a starry sky tutorial for PSP, so I looked at a Photoshop tutorial, just had to make a couple adjustments for PSP. I did the starry sky by adding noise to a black canvas and then adjusting the levels (Adjust>Brightness/Contrast>Levels) to get more black & less white, for scattered stars.


Awhile ago, I was playing around in the Particle Shop brush plug-in that came with my PSP2020 and loved what the Ionized brush did, to me it looked like the start of northern lights, so I wanted to try to create a paper.


After creating the northern lights, I added a motion blur, then a gaussian blur. Sidenote: I'm not doing the motion blur correctly, because I wanted a vertical blur, but couldn't get it right, which is why I added the additional gaussian blur.


This was just practice and not good enough for a paper. I'll have to play around more.


P.S. If anyone knows a better way to do a starry sky & northern lights, please let me know. And/Or if there is a tutorial for either of those in here, let me know, because I obviously couldn't find it when I did a search :) .


Let me know what you think, if you think it looks like a good start.

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Thank you for the tips, Cassel. I'm going to set it up right here ... but I can foresee a bit of frustration coming on! LOL Now might be just the right time as we are already frustrated. Be a good diversion. Thanks again.
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