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My Basic "We Are Here" module 1

Diana Craft

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Here is my "WE ARE HERE" project for Module 1 of Basic Scrap Course.  You will notice on my image that there is a background of burlap.  That really is virtual.  I enjoy making elements and pages in PSP but in real life I like to do them physically.   I love the textures and the dimension I can put into the photos by attaching them by hand.  Besides, I have a lot of STUFF to use up. The real page has a jagged edge with inked edges,  but since I can't post a .PSP I added the burlap so that it still had a rugged look.  This is the first time I have really been able to work with layers.  My trial version of PSP2020 is over so I had to do this in my OLD version 7 by Jasc.  I had never learned how to juggle layers before and I am thrilled to have added this skill to my graphicology, I call it.


Having to make the images so small for posting makes me hope that you can read the text.  "Bradley Hand ITC  14p."  is the font I used for the major text and "Algerian" for the header.  I had a bit of a time finding a text that could be small enough to fit on the parchment and still be legible, but I am pleased with the result, although in my hurry to get this posted I see I forgot the shadow on the top layer, RATS!  Looking at it now, I probably would have moved the header a little to the left since I didn't add an additional embellishment. I just didn't want to clutter it up.


I'm terrified about the next projects because I am so far out of my comfort zone, but I'm excited about having a first rate teacher and so many knowledgeable enthusiasts to help me over the rough spots.  You will, won't you?


Hugs and be happy pspin'



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Diana, I think you DID add a shadow to that top right flower, but you might have rearranged the layers so the flower was moved above the papers, but not the shadow. I think I see some shadow on its edge, so you didn't forget it.


If you want to post an image that has some transparency on the outside, you can always save it as a jpg, which will add a white background for you, or you can save it as a png which will keep the transparency. That burlap is fine to, but in case you don't want to add a background, that would be the way to go.


For the next project, if you follow closer to the instructions, at least for one "run", you will see how the tools are working and how the layers are arranged. Then, you can run with your own interpretation of it. And if you get stuck, you know where we are!

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Thank you  Lynda, I hope to be able to get the program while it's still on sale, more and more as I see what it can do.  I'm going to try to sell one of my dolls or something to find the money to get it because Santa doesn't stop here any more.  (S)  I'm working on it.  Wow, this is such a friendly and welcoming group, I have to make certain that I can stay awhile.


Thanks again,



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Diana, this might not be a long term solution but would you have access to another computer? Maybe you could download and install the trial on a different computer? I am just guessing here but maybe worth a try *IF* you have access to another computer.
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Thank you Mireille, I'm afraid I missed your post earlier, don't know how I did that.  Thanks for your encouragement, this group is really great for that and the feedback is much appreciated, sometimes we stay in our own heads too much, its great to see things differently.





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