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What are you working on (in Jan 2020)?


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Hi Campers. I had a play with the lovely bunny photo from DiGregor Photography ... thanks for this photo Lynda, it is really lovely. I have been practicing how to make seamless patterns. It takes a little work and I am only able to create them using the brush tool. The background paper is one I made for this project this morning. The tubes are my own effort as are the alpha, plaid and ribbons. The stickers I made from lovely tubes that I have had forever. The little poem was a freebie I snagged off the web, I just added the frame to it. Thanks for takin a peek!
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My second play for the day dear Campers.  Thanks again Lynda for this lovely photo of Willow Beach.  You are a good photographer my friend.  Well I really had some fun with this one, creating as I went along.  I especially enjoyed making the twill ribbons.  The tubes I made by mostly using the magic wand which I think has improved a lot since my initial use of psp which was version 10 ... I think.  I have got a certificate in tubing and I can honestly say it is a lot easier to tube today than it was when I earned that certificate, lol!  The blurb was copied from the web as I had no info regards Willow Beach but thanks to Lynda I am now a little more enlightened, :)  The background paper was another that I created using a seamless tile made from a brush I created of an agave plant ... that was fun as well.  Anyways folks, thanks for takin a peek!
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Trish, Sue, and Annie, thank you very much for your kind comments! <3


Sue, great photo and lovely layout. I love the background paper; it looks like it has a canvas texture. I also like how you "play" with frames in all your layouts.


Trish, nice frame, and it fits the photo perfectly.


Annie, very nice layouts. I love both background papers and the twill ribbons.


Great work, ladies!

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Hello Scrapbook Campus ... I found a delightful photo on Unsplash by Oliver Roos.  So, still playing around with backgrounds, I just had to do something with it.  I decided to keep this one simple.  The alpha is by Marisa Lerin from Pixel Scrappers.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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What a beautiful page you created Annie.  Your background papers are stunning. I love the colours you chose to showcase the photo.  I love lilac!  The purple flower is a cornflower, commonly known as  Bachelor buttons. Small birds love their seeds.  The foreground  seeded plants are  thistles,  I can't be certain but the leaves  resemble the   Sow Thistle.  They have delicate buttercup yellow flowers. The seeds in the background are a member of the coneflower family.  You also did Lynda's photos proud. All your papers are exquisite.   Well done!


Thank you Cristina,  I did use a canvas texture on the background photo, it toned down the colours. As for frames, I'm always thinking of new ways to frame my photos.

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Sue, thank you so much. I really appreciate your knowledge of nature and now I have learned about these delights from you. I loved the photo and I had been wondering what the flowers were but could not find anything on them from Google. I am learning so much here, not just from Cassel but also from students who include valuable journaling in their work. It is a real joy to hop on here of a morning and peruse the beautiful work and wealth of information. <3
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Hey Annie,


I have to agree with Sue Thomas... I love this flower and you have done it justice. We have many that grow wild in the preserve and along the river in our backyard.  I believe that it is a Thistle Flower.  Cornflowers have flat leaves and look much like daisy's but are of different colors, pink and purple.


You can take a look here:    https://www.google.com/search?q=thistle+flower&sxsrf=ALeKk01EvnBtVFI5vlFhaYrlxbqzZIoTrQ:1582677223669&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=fa0Lv6RgViGFUM%253A%252C7lLqe80H-aUxiM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTmGywU7sdjh3yDBjt6wKjPjjtOEQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGwteN_O3nAhVQGDQIHRLBAi8Q_h0wFXoECBEQBA&biw=1536&bih=722#imgrc=jZAnreF-14SdxM


Keep up the good work . You have a great eye for beauty.



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