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What are you working on (in Jan 2020)?


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Sue, nature fascinates me and I love your pages. I don't take photos as I am pretty hopeless at that but I will take out the binoculars and have a peek. I watch a lot of the nature programs on tv. I read every word on this page and it is delightfully informative. Thank you.
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You are welcome Annie. I also am speaking from the heart and obviously I'm not the only one that appreciates your comments.


I'm not following any special tutorial but I have so many photos from the area I am staying at, Arizona and Nevada,so I put this little piece of history together from the construction of Hoover Dam. In Boulder City , Nevada there are bronze statues throughout the town depicting the history of the town. This is one of them. You many not be able to read the plaque so this is a man who did one of the more mundane jobs necessary. He swept the outhouses and kept them supplied with toilet paper.

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Great job Lynda and I especially love the frame you put around the photo, nice technique. I had a read and it is an interesting piece of history for Boulder City. It is lovely to see those with the less glamorous jobs getting praise after all, it takes teamwork. The statue is terrific ... obviously some talent in the town! <3
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The photo of the White tailed deer buck is an old favourite of mine.  A relevantly simple page, buttonized frame around the deer, which I masked first.  A coloured gradient on the left side to highlight the text.  Beautiful page Lynda,  and an interesting read.  I like the simplicity of it.  I don't follow tutorials. I start with a photo, and  I look at it, and go from there.
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Here is the layout I did to  practice the tutorials from the Lab10 Module 01 (Clock Face - Hour Hands - Antique Lace)


I used another template from Scrapping with Liz (Lots of Blocks Template2). Again it is about Christmas Markets, and this was the first one we went. I had fun, just the Antique Lace I had to do a few times until I got something that I liked and fit the layout.

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Thank you Annie on your very kind comment.  Trish and Cristina, your pages are stunning.  After several days of thick fog, it finally lifted this afternoon to reveal a winter wonderland, with thick hoar frost. So off out I went armed with the camera. This evening's project, using this afternoon's photos. Quite a few techniques used in the project. I've included a photo which I used in the page after I extracted it. I edited it slightly to make it very easy to remove the background. I used the magic wand, but there are other ways to do it. The frame  is what I created the other day.  I changed the colouring.
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