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What are you working on (in Sept 2019)?


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Of course you may snag it dear Michele! I am so pleased that you like it. Because it is symmetrical it can be used as a pattern for a 250 pixel high ribbon. If you resized to 3600 pixels high you would have a template for a scrapbook page with the flower edge. Just have it open in psp and use it as a flood fill pattern. Once it is painted on your canvas you can use it like a mask. I followed Cassel's tut doing the ctrl A, ctrl F thing. If you would like the full instructions on how I created it just holler and I will write it out meticulously ... otherwise I can be a bit scatterbrained!! ;D
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Wow Annie!  love it  and I can only say it is absolutely Beautiful !!!....  another great edge creation. ...  I might just have to put my thinking cap on and try and  see if I can make some as they would be a nice addition to my card making.


well done Annie!  and best wishes.



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Love your layout, Bonnie. Those pictures are lovely and you let them speak for the page.


Trish, your Paris grunge page came out great. Still busy making papers, I see.


Thank you for your generosity, Annie, but what I downloaded was too "fuzzy." The details got lost in the translation. You might just inspire me try try making my own once I'm out of my funk!


Dawn, it's wonderful to see you here. I agree with Annie; you are a treasure.


~ Michele

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Michele, if you download the mask from the pop up view page you will then be able to use it as a pattern. I have been sizing my edge canvas image to 3600 x 300 (or whatever height the mask is) and then flood filling it with the mask pattern.

Add a new layer and in the layers palette drag it below the black and white layer then flood fill this layer with whatever pretty pattern you want the finished product to be.

Remaining on that layer I then go to layers - new mask layer - show all. Then activate the top black and white layer - ctrl A to select all - ctrl F to float and then drag the floating layer to just below the top layer of the group (not below the entire group).

Ctrl D to deselect.

Again activate the top black and white layer and delete this layer ... voila! you have your edge.

I then merge the group, do something to the top edge for a slight contrast (such as adding noise) and then add a sticker bevel to the entire edge to lift it just a litte. A shadow to suit yourself.

This was definitely one of my favourite lessons by Cassel as it opens up all sorts of possibilities for creative work.

I hope this helps your creative spirit Michele! <3 ;D

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A close friend recently  lost everything in a house fire. She was pleased I had photos to print off for her from when the house was shifted to the site.   I decided to put them together in a frame for her birthday next month.  I had so much trouble with this tutorial in the double page project that I decided to use it again for  revision , and pleased to say I sailed through much better.  My daughter up cycles wooden items to a  shabby chic look, so she is on the job with a soft green frame



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