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Double Take Challenge 2019


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Sharon, Your "Natures Beauty" was a flashback to my childhood. I haven't seen a lady slipper since I was 12 or 13(a long time ago) My grandmother and grandfather had 36 acres of woods in Connecticut that we made our playground and the  lady slippers made an appearance every year. Thanks for the memory. Nice work!
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Dear Cristina, you are such a love.  I really appreciate this and I shall read through these posts asap.  I am really being plagued with computer problems currently and my only remaining psp installed program (17) is giving me issues.  My computer is taking up to 15 minutes to start up and so I am taking it into my techie this morning.  I shall probably be without a computer until next week.  If I appear to have disappeared from the campus at least you will know why.  Much love an appreciation my friend.  <3
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Thanks Cassel! I changed the text color with the character shapes option. I am still having problems with my computer so I will be taking it into my techie today. I hope to have it back by late tomorrow (fingers crossed) but I may not have it back until next week depending on the problem. If I don't get it back until next week I shall miss the webinar but I will do the catch up thing. Very frustrating and I am a little anxious about what may or may not be lost! Alas, that is the way of it, ;)
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Bonnie ... before you uninstall and reinstall read Cassel's post on where to save your psp related files so as not to lose them like I did. Cristina kindly pointed me in the right direction and has provided the links to these posts. You will find Cristina's post just above Sharon's which is the post directly above your own. Good luck my friend, I know how frustrating it can be. I am about to take my computer in to my techie so I will be missing from the campus for a few days! :(
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Sue, thanks for the explanation for the title. I wonder if a preset might do the same instead of a script?


Sharon, as a creative person, we never seem to be finished!!! ;) But now, you always have the option to create another page to continue!!


Lynda, you know that digital scrapbooking allows you to change your mind! You can move things around all you want! And thanks for the answer about the Cadillac show. It is quite interesting. For your Day 3, I would suggest that IF you plan on printing an album with those double pages, you would need to move the text to one side otherwise, it will be stuck in the binding. Of course, if you just want to print a 24x12 poster, then it is ok.



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Oh my Annie! I hope the tech doctor can get you fixed up quickly. A sick computer is a pain to deal with. I learned that through experience so my heart goes out to you!!


Lynda you're not that much behind. You have definitely made up for it. I never realized that there were so many tours around the great lakes. That's fascinating! I also love the wild and colorful Las Vegas one too. My family went there once and I got a lousy T-Shirt to remind me that I had to work while they were vacationing LOL! I'm behind too, but I think Carole said the challenge will stay open until we all get caught up.

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Carole, a preset would might be better than a script, saying that once I had written the text, the steps I used were few and simple,  2 guide  lines, and  the perspective tool.   Unless a script or presets would give more options like  wavy text tapering into the distance, to give perspective.  Now that would take more time to create manually.
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Another Day 3- I decided I needed to try day 3 again as I wasn't happy with how the background lined up. I figured if I started with a 3600 x 7200 and added the background then there would be no way it wouldn't line up. I also decided to use guides so I wouldn't over shoot the center. To make room for the center fold I put guides on either side of the center. Looking through my photos this is what I came up with.
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Wanda , your photography is extraordinary. I'm taking a page from your playbook and doing a garden theme page also...hope you don't mind a copycat.


If you saved your project as a pspimage you should be able to hide or delete what you don't want and then add what you do want. (hide with the eye next to the layer you want to hide or right click in the layer you don't want and delete) Not sure if this is what you were asking.

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Lynda Thank you very much.  About the deleting I did not mean on my computer I meant here on the forum.  I use to be able to delete and redo but cannot now find an option to do that.  I like my pages to be posted in the proper order and on this site in order for that to happen you have to load the last page first.  I forgot to do that on the floral pages.  I just wanted to delete page 1 and upload again to get them in the right order.  I really don't understand why I would not be able to delete my own work.




You page/flowers are beautiful also.  I love flowers but am no longer able to get out and take care of them

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