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What are you working on (in July 2019)


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I got a little sidetracked playing around with the Zig Zag script that Carole created. It's so amazing! It even worked on a cutout ribbon and one with a crocheted lace border. My favorite part is just watcing it work all on its own.


I found a couple of not so great photos of my uncooperative dog. I decided to do a small page just so I could use them. Animals are soooooo difficult to photograph.


Last, but not least, I learned a new gardening trick! It's seems I have a poacher in the garden and it's getting my tomatoes. I've encountered it twice now. Both times it came running towards me. I learned really quickly how to outrun him!

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Thank you, LiberaSharon, and Annie.


Trish, I love those bows! Some look like flowers; some like the sun.


Annie, you did a wonderful job on the art gallery. I like how you added the extra light on the top of each canvas.


I love your sense of whimsy, Sharon. You make me smile.



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Thank you Sharon, it was a simple frame a lot of 2 and 5 px border layers on the original pict which was 800 x 540.



then pink25 .... effects/reflection/kalid...( h.0/v.0/ra.45/sf.47/petals.4/orbit.0/rs.35/ edgemode-reflect.)add inner bevel to finish.  Then repeat the first 5 layers


I tried it again on a 3600 frame, it is on the scavanger page but ir wasnt as effective so made the border bigger  to balance the frame and it wouldnt work as good, I think it was the inner bevel but the border was to wide for it. so the reflection was flat, which was fine, but not what I wanted.  if you find a bevel that works let me know.


be nice to see your result if you use it.


here are the colours I used



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The theme last week for FB Paint Shop Themes was panoramas. Since that is what I've been doing all week, I thought I'd share one. On the most part I use a number of photos for panoramas but this one is actually created with one photo rather than a series. In the past I always used Panorama Maker (no longer available as far as I can find) but this week it's all been PS Pro 2019 all the time.  ;-)
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Just looked over the last works Annie, Trish and Linda. Really cool layouts and works, harmonious colors in each one.

I had to laugh about the poacher getting the tomatoes and the layout is really interesting. Thanks for the precisions given concerning the framed picture. Panorama is something I would like to try too with PSP  Till now I did it always with IrfanView, an easy way.


I tried a painting on the wall, placed it in the July Tut/Tech Challenge, Carole put in last week.





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