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Publish It Challenge - 2019


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Patti - The little lock icon is at the top of the Layers Palette. Carole pointed it out in one of the tutorials I watched.  I didn't even know it was there before she demonstrated the cleverness of locking the transparency.


Here's my Day 5 project. I'm getting much more comfortable with working with templates. They are a really wonderful starting point.

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Wanda, if you click on the image it opens up so you can read it.  I tried 3 times to upload the individual files and each time it looked right until it posted, then the gremlins swapped them around.  I'll try what you said if we have another 2 page spread, thanks.
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Before posting page 6, i relised I forgot something in had gone from jpeg to png the reduce to 600, so at that point i expected it ti be flat even though saved as visible. so as I tried to add the churns, expecting them to go on top of wwhat I thought was one layer it slid under. on checking I could still see all the layers. Has anyone else had this happen.
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Okay, today's lesson started out as pure frustration. The flood fill step just wasn't working! After trying it three times, I looked to see what other settings might be interfering with my efforts, and I discovered that I had my blend mode set to "darken," which the white wouldn't do, of course. When I changed it to "normal," all worked as expected - hooray! Then I had to play around with the size and placement of the photos so the actual arches weren't 'interrupted', but at least I knew that my skills were up to that challenge.


I am learning so much! Thank you all for sharing your talents.

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This was a great exercise to learn how to combine masks.  I followed through but didn't have a photo that I could use, so started again and just combined the bottom two masks.   Then I felt I didn't have enough images to tell the story so took the liberty of adding another small one.
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