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Publish It Challenge - 2019


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Jnet, where are you going to bring us? (où vas-tu nous amener?)


Sue, will we see your little corner of the world?


Lynda, it is ok to take liberties. Although the challenge and tutorials will be very basic, there is absolutely no rule against doing something slightly different. After all, I keep repeating that YOU are the designer. The templates are meant to be tools.


Sharon, what do you find difficult with templates?


Barbara, that is a pretty bird. Interesting how you added the photo smaller on a larger fill. And why not?!


Barb, those colors are wonderful! You know, if you want the title to be a bit larger, you can make it into two lines. That is an option even when you have it rotated as you did. As far as a first visit to the Campus, welcome, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any question.


Marisia, looking forward to see your projects. I do wonder how you will use the template with tags! I am curious :)

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Faye, did you "open" the mask group by clicking on the little triangle on the left? I think you added your photo just above the mask group, so one layer to high. Move it between the one called "Masked layer" and "Photo". And if something is not clear, that is why the forum is there (and if you don't want to post in the forum, there is always the yellow tab on the right of the page to click and send me an email). But we are all here for you. Looking forward to your other pages!
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Hello Scrapbook Campers.  I think this is going to be an informative and lovely challenge.  I have downloaded some delightful photos from Unsplash of some of Earth's beautiful deserts.  This photo is by Fernando Paredes Murillo and has captured the start beauty of desert terrain perfectly for a magazine cover photo.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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I'm sorry I didn't visit the forum to introduce myself earlier. Last week was busy; this week, I can learn and create! My magazine will include just some of the photos from our visit to Arches National Park last summer. So, here's the cover:


I changed the frames to a gold color reminiscent of National Geographic magazines, and I chose a font that resembles the one the National Park Service uses on their publications & website.

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Well I'm back, and looking forward to this challenge, hopefully I will get enough time to finish this time.  Always keen to learn.  Here is my day 1 challenge, I did struggle with deciding which photo to use but I'm sure I can change things as we go along.  I did try to change the colour of the frame, but for the life of me I couldn't work out how to do it.
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Here is my Day 1. In 2013 I was lucky enough to go to Warner Bros Studios in London and do the Harry Potter Studio Tour - it was absolutely fantastic: there were sets from the movies; costumes and props; a whole area devoted to concept art and masks; and at the end the huge model of Hogwarts that was used to do some of the filming. Unfortunately the lighting wasn't the best for my point-and-shoot camera so some of the photos didn't come out that well, still I will have enough for this project.


The "Harry Potter" name was from a free set I got years ago and there isn't anything in it to say where I got it from.


The items already posted here are really good, just shows how versatile the templates are.

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Hello fellow Scrapper's! You guys are really sharing some wonderful magazines with us. I'm enjoying all these FREE magazines. It's my way of traveling!


I've finally learned how to work with a single photo template now but I run into trouble with the multiple photo templates. I think I need lots more practice. Day 2 went a lot more smoothly with me. I did manage to create a fade out type mask on today's photo!

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Day two.  Although I was raised  on a farm in the same parish, I spent many hours in the village as child playing with friends. Enjoying all the magazines, I think we should all get together and produce our own digital magazine,  of our adventures, lifestyles, and lots more using PSP.
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Day 2-I decided to restrict my photos to wading birds, so I changed the title on the cover.  I uploaded it and page 2.  I added pictures to page 2 since it's the only one I'm doing about this particular bird and I wanted to show how it looks when it feeds and also how it looks as it matures.
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