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June BINGO Challenge


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Hello Mireille, Michele and Cristina.... a big Thank You to each of you for your very kind comments on my 2nd page for this challenge....  very much appreciated.


Cristina,  my hubby has always taken a very keen interest in my craft work over the years  and often comes into my craft room  to give me plenty of encouragement in the projects I am doing.


best wishes,



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Here is another layout I made for this challenge. This time I chose row 4 - Horizontal (Leather Element, Word Frame, Stitching, Pinked Edge, Striped Paper).


As a base, I started with Cassel's Multi-Photo Frame2 freebie. I also used Cassel's Journal Bits script.


Papers: "Love Patterns" freebie from Paper Garden Projects // Alpha: Thrifty_GoldAlpha freebie from KAagard.

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well done Cristina ! ... love the way you did the Leather element and the We'll be back .. I can just see the stitching on the edges .. a great idea! .... I have also started another page with the same line as you have chosen ..  maybe we both were  thinking about it at the same time.


best of wishes to you,



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I have had another go at this challenge and have used row 4 (leather element, word frame, stitching, pinked edge and striped paper).  used Cass leather tag and striped paper scripts, Cass Stitches 1 font and tutorials for Word Frame and Pinked edge.   the photo was given to us from family members who had their holidays touring around Western Australia a couple years ago. The Napier Ranges are located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.


best wishes ,



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Dawn, thank you so much for your kind comment! <3


I love, love your layout... The photo, the colors, everything looks great. Beautiful work!


I like the Bingo challenge because it reminds me of some tutorials that usually I overlook... There are so many!


Best wishes, my friend. :)

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Thank you very much Cristina, your kind comments are  always appreciated my friend .   I also like this type of challenge  as it helps  get the brain working ... and Cassel's tutorials and scripts are  great to have on hand.


best wishes,



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