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May Scavenger Hunt Challenge


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Thanks, dear Libera for your lovely comment. The string is a picture tub made from one of Cassel's tutorials and I actually used the mouse to create the title with it. Because it was a neutral shade I used the manual color correction to color it to suit the project. It did turn out rather well, but ... I have been practicing and practicing, LOL!
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Thanks so much, dear Cristina. You know, I never even thought about using the Vector Tube Script. Sometimes I have so much going on in my head that it becomes hard to unjumble, LOL! I actually made the title using a string picture tub which I had created following a tutorial by Cassel, then I used the mouse to hand draw, and then because it was a neutral color, I used the manual color correction to color it to suit the project. I was pleased with the result but (as I said to Libera) ... I have been practicing and practicing, LOL! <3
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Annie, you had a lot of work to hand draw the title! :) ... Years ago I learned here in the Campus through Carole (PSP Stuff section), that there is also a script (Auto tuber script) to speed up the process of creating a twisted string or similar tubes... But the Vector Tube Script is a big help for this kind of project like yours.
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Thanks a lot Annie for the precisions about the string. Practicing is really the right word. I try to go on every day a little bit more after work and it is even relaxing.


The sreenshot of Mireille made me curious and look over again my little problem with the shape tool. By this way I discovered the mistake I did with the tool and my so loved gradients :-).


Thanks a lot Cristina for your kind comment and the informations used for your work. It is a real pretty way to welcome spring and put "Ludwigshöhe" in scene with those letters.


All the works here show how creative you are. Your different and successful ways to approach circles, strings, stitching and letters are most inspiring particularly for a newbie in scrapbooking. I never imagined doing this before but I am really happy to have discovered this forum, it is most encouraging to go on learning.


And this makes me speak/write english again, so don't hesitate to tell me if I do a mistake. Additionally to this I would like to say other ideas, suggestions and tips for my works are always welcome. I say this because when I placed my first work and sandwich under "Feedback request" I was surprised to have no reaction. As Cassel always says "don't be shy", lol again!


Nice sunday for all of you. Here where I live in Germany is another hot day today, not spring, already summer feeling, 24° at half of the day!

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Oh, dear Cristina, I do have that script and I will make sure to use it next time ... it will save the ache in the carpal tunnel affected wrist, LOL! In truth, I had totally forgotten about it ... the old brain cells are not firing as they used to.<3
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libera, thank you!


Annie, I also do things the long way most of the time, at least when I am trying a new technique  ... It's a way of learning the process -- even if I forget it afterwards! -- and also value the help of having the scripts. ;)

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