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What are you working on (in May 2019)?


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I'll make it unanimous on the gradient technique for the lace borders. I don't think I've ever painted with a gradient.


Sue, your gradient is perfect!


Annie, your use of different colors and textures really made this plaid unique.


I have to say I learn so much just looking at everyone's projects. Of course I forget more than I remember, but some of it sinks in. :)


~ Michele



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Hello Scrapbook Campers.  I just finished following Cassel's Doilies tutorial (Classes - Intermediate - Creative Scrap - Miscellaneous - Doilies) and this is my result.  It is a great tutorial with many possibilities for the end result ... love it.  Thanks for takin a peek.
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Over the top live tutorial.


This was very informative, but I did have difficulty with the brush variance I was using x8.  I haven't had time to finish downloading all the features of x9 yet. Snow was interesting.  I made it on pic 2 and used it again on pic 1.  Thanks Cassel for these presentations.

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Thanks, Cassel for your tips on coloring white lace.  This is my result from your first email (adjust brightness/contrast).  I didn't use adjust hue/saturation/colorize but instead, I used adjust color/manual color correction which is my favorite way to change color.  Thanks for takin a peek.
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Hello community !


In addition to the techniques Carole presents in her lessons, here is another simple technique to obtain geometric patterns :


1 - In canvas 500x500, make a scrawl with round brush size 10 or some form (e.g. spiral)

2 - Duplicate

3 - Close the layer below

4 - Effects - Reflection effect - Pattern with different parameters (for example see preset pattern)

5 - Duplicate

6 - Reapply points 3-4 until you are satisfied and you can combine one or the other or all the patterns previously made

7 - Save your work for reuse.


Voilà !

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