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Scrap Bootcamp - May 2019


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For day 4 I used the  free scrap elements from the sweet shoppe.  Because they were nautical I looked in unsplash for a suitable image, and this one sort of stood out! I realised when I was doing the drop shadow that the black wasn't showing up very well against the dark colours, so would be inclined to watch that in future and use lighter colour papers.
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Still Day 2 for me and sandwich time :-)


Hello everyone, bonjour tout le monde,

my very first one sandwich is placed unter "feedback request". I just tried another one to get more and more familiar with the layers and the text tool. It's not the first time I registered for the bootcamp this year but try to take a little bit more time to participate.


Concerning Day 1 the good thing was for me i discovered again and faster how to dock the "organizer" (palettes or view/palettes/organizer).


PS.: The pictures are placed in the wrong way after submitting, but i don't see the way to change it. Sorry!

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Great work, Everyone!


Carole, yes, I did place them one by one... Unfortunately, there is no script (yet!) for it. :) I drew a heart shape (preset shape), resized the buttons and placed them around. I think the buttons could have been a bit smaller but I was too tired to change all of them... I want to add that I had the idea of using buttons from Annie, who posted last year a lovely layout, which had a frame of buttons around the image.


Here is my Day 4. I used again the old "Promise Collection" free kit from Shabby Princess. I just added Cassel's freebie Laser-Cut-Doilies-Round-4 (Cassel's Laser Cut Doilies Round Script)

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I'm pretty busy at the moment so since this is my second time around, I'm just doing things as I can. This is a photo taken many years ago of my oldest son, Tony and my Mom. Unfortunately neither are with us anymore. She just loved that kid so much so this is remembrance of that time.
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Anja, great photo and well showcased.


Sharon, as others have said, simpler is often better when you want to showcase a photo or a story, otherwise, it can get lost.


Mireille, Incana grew up a lot since the first photo you shared with me to use during a class. Do you remember? Nice water effect on your paper!


Libera, yes you have to place the photos in reverse order for them to appear in the correct order after, but it is ok, as we can easily see which one is before and which one is after. You definitely have a good breakfast!


Cristina, maybe some day, I would be able to make a script for placing various elements along a path. A bit more advanced code but maybe some day!


Lynda, on the Day 3 layout, is that paper one you did from scratch from a DIAMOND tutorial?


HF, is that document a scanned memorabilia or was that part of the kit? I like how the shadows on the letters are thicker than the other shadows on the project. It gives it more depth.


Sharon, on Day 5, that will be a fun project to figure out who are on that photo!


Marisia, looking forward to see some scrapbook projects of yours.

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I'm running a bit late this time, but here is my day 3 photo.  I have a gorgeous granddaughter who does calisthenics so have used a pic of her from last year's solo competition.  For most of the paper and elements I used "Reach for the Stars" from Sweet Shoppe.  I really have forgotten heaps I learnt last time.
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These photos were taken recently of my late husbands 1st memorial dart competition. The top photo is from left my daughter, grandson, myself, and great grandson.  The tournament was won by our Grandson.


Very special to have 4 generations Participating and enjoying the day with friends.

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Day 5 result.  The photos are of my daughter-in-law, Ellana (Top Hat) and her friend Alanna.  I used a scrap kit by Bitzy Beez Designz called "Spring Time Fun".  There were some butterflies in the kit one of which I used to create the stencil by following Cassel's stencil tutorial:-  Classes - Intermediate - Creative Scrap - Shapes - Stencil.  I also created the glitter by following Cassel's glitter tutorial:-  Classes - Intermediate - Creative Scrap - Miscellaneous - Glitters.  This is the third Bootcamp for me and I had forgotten all about being able to copy text from a document and paste it into a project in PSP.  Amazingly Bootcamp jogs something for me every time.  Thanks, Cassel.  Thanks for takin a peek.
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Hi Cassel,


The scanned photo isn't a part of the used kit. They are my parents. They married on 22-6-1948.

The masterclasses Let's Fix It and Let's Fix it (again) helped me a lot to restore the photo.



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