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Lovely work Teri and your doily is a simplified delight. You have inspired me as I now see mine as over-cluttered. I am off to see what I can create taking a simpler direction. <3
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I've spent all day playing with this, when I should be outside working in the yard - Spring has arrived in full bloom, and it's beautiful here! Fortunately, I have a window. My final layout is way more cluttered than is usually my style, but I don't care. I have learned so much! Thank you all.
Alicia yours is beautiful! I spent all day on and off on mine but it's rainy here so I couldn't work outside. I tried to declutter mine but I don't think I did too well. This has definitely been a challenge! I have learned so much. Now if I can just remember it all after I sleep.....
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Day 7 - I did something a little different with the clip to fit my theme.  I also added a couple more tubes, a wolf I masked from Pixabay and a tube of one of my photos of a whitetail buck from our ranch.  FYI, the flowering plant in the frame is a Longbract Wild Indigo.
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Cassel I know I should be able to figure this out and I'm feeling like an idiot but I cannot get my wood design as I want it.  Am I supposed to put my design on my wooden element first or after I make the scratches?  When I try to add one afterwards, I used the different blend modes but nothing I try looks right.  Even using something white is not blending in well.  Help!
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Sharon, if you want your design to be scratched, keep it on a separate layer. Once you have the selection done with the scratches "shapes", activate your design layer, and delete there. No blend is necessary. So instead of scratching a "full layer of paint", just scratch the design that is painted on its own layer.
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Lynda DiGregor - You wanted to know how I did my background pages - well because lots problems with previous attempts so these are the steps I took -


Hopeless try 3 or 4 duplications then to blur several times and seamless tile led to 3rd image using tile then just added Notre Dame image on top and lowered opacity until it was ghostly and colourized more grey.


Sorry Cassell and everybody have been struggling for days just to do tile and doily and just cannot do it so think it best to retire.  You are all way ahead of me and doing such great work.


All the best hugs Marie

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My days 6 & 7.  Day 6 I made some ribbon and gave it some texture using blinds tool. I also used brightness and contrast tool to give some ripples and shading technique as taught by Cassel. Day 7 I made a paperclip using a preset shape. I used the Sculpture tool to make it metal looking. I used Cassels interlacing technique to clip it to the doily. Loved doing this challenge. Thank you Cassel.




Sheila x

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My finished layout. I couldn't make a background page I liked, so I made a simple background with a color from the photos, and a nice texture. Loved the challenge, it really made me stretch :)

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Hi Everyone,


It has been really good looking at all the different pages, there are some really terrific ones out there, so inspirational.


I had a busy Easter so have only just got around to finishing the project. I struggled a bit with the painted wood, mainly trying to make my cork hat stand out and I ended up duplicating the layers and using blend modes, I think it worked ok. For my clip I used an ellipse which I duplicated and made smaller twice, then used the pen tool to add a few lines to the end and handle on the other. I tried to get a leather look suitable for a stock whip but I think it is more bronze, not too bad though. I didn't leave the doily white as it was too bright for the rest of the page.


This was an enjoyable challenge, as they always are, and I learnt a lot, particularly by looking at other people's contributions.

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