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DIAMOND Scrap Challenge - April 2019


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Day 3


I played around with different textures and decided to use burlap instead of wood.  It was lots of fun seeing how the scratched effect came out by changing the different settings.


Here's my fish embellishment.

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Day 2




I love all the unique patterns you have all come up with. I need to practice so much more. Wish I ended up with more nodes to manipulate with!


I love my wooden frame! It fits my grandson so well, the paper is more elegant which fits Kassidy! Little Tucker just doesn't care!!


I've not arranged anything yet and probably won't until I know what all I will be using for the layout!





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Amidst numerous interruptions, I finally managed to create a wooden circle. I used a .png file from Clipartmax. I stumbled upon it when I was searching for something to put on my wooden circle. I used the soft light selection and it seemed to have blended well with the wood. I'm definitely going to try out different effects later tonight. I am really enjoying this challenge.
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Such artists we have! I am a day or so behind, but I spent a lot of time playing around with the pen tool - I've never tried to use it before. I came up with a geometric pattern that I like, but I think I would like it to be bolder on my paper. I lowered the opacity of the background color, but my lines still don't stand out as much as I would like. Can anyone suggest a way to fix it (that doesn't involve starting from the beginning)?
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Day Two: I created a frame, and I'm pleased with it. I found my whitewashed wood texture at Freepix.com. Washington, DC, is all about cherry blossoms this time of year, so I took my camera to the National Arboretum last month and got several good photos that aren't just run-of-the-mill blossom shots. For now, I'm just featuring one on my page, but that may change.
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Alicia, did you keep the tile with a transparent background? If so, if it is filling the page on its own layer you might simply want to change the color of the lines to something darker so it will contrast more? If you still have the tile with the vector lines, you can also increase the thickness of the lines. See if that helps.
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Alicia Garbelman - A simple thing you can do is duplicate the pattern layer.  That should intensify it some.  Then play with the blend modes on the duplicate layer and see if one gets you a result that is a little more bold.  If you find something you like, you can then merge down to get the two layers combined and you'll be back to just one layer.  Hope this helps.
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Well am exhausted - Blue Screen of Death to content with but my laptop was very ladylike and well behaved & we restored pre last windows update.    Have done the paper for 4th different time.   Still not happy with how it is all hanging together with the greys which I like the fire looks too bright.   Button was a lot of noise and trying out every other thing I could.    Am really impressed with all the different interpretations and am learning so much and getting ideas for all of you too.  Thanks Cassell and everybody.
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I am getting started a bit late this week.  Seems like things kept coming up.


Here are 3 different colors of the same paper I made.  This was fun..endless possibilities.  I made mine smaller (1000x1000) because I Plan to use these for tagging and only need no more than 700x700.


Thank you Cassel for expanding our horizons.



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