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What are you working on (in April 2019)?


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in April, be it a scrapbook page, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!

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I have been learning how to use the various extraction tools in PSP 2019.

The eagle image was taken by our son in law, Greg. They live near the Oregon coast.

I used the Selection Tool, ellipse.

On the duck image, I used two extraction tools.

On the grass clumps on the left of the image, I used the Selections > Edit Selection tool. I wanted to get the individual grass leaves and grass clumps to be on top of the background.

On the ducks and the rest of the grass, I used the Image > Object extractor. For me, this tool worked better than the selection tools; however, it takes a wee bit of practice.


Dennis Davis

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Dennis you have achieved very nice results  while learning the extraction tools.... compliments to your son in  law for taking a great picture of the eagle..  the effect you created on the eagle photo draws the eye to it... my hubby thinks you did good work on it to.



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hello Everyone... a new month has started... time is sure moving fast.  I made this email greeting card to send to a friend last month and decided to change the colour a bit and the sentiment and post it here in the forum as a greeting to you all. have used Cassel's Twisted Strings and Chain Beads tubes and Glitter edge script on the flowers. Cassel's Alpha Baby Beads freebie for the word hello. Flower and heart shapes are in PSP . I made the floral brush from a shape to create the swirl effect behind the flowers and also created the glitter brush from Cassel's  glitter detailed tutorial to add interest to the background paper.



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Hello everyone! Happy April to you. My how time does fly (especially when I'm scrapbooking). I've finished Module 4 and 5 finally. Sometimes it's hard to chisel out time for learning new things. I've definitely had fun. Now I just need to see where I need to go from here.


Denis I love your nature photos! You did a remarkable job with them!


Dawn your card is wonderful. I know your friend was thrilled when she received it.

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Dennis , Cristina , Michele and Sharon.... I am glad you  like my greeting card wishes ... just want to say to each of you ... Thank You for the kind comments... I appreciate it very much.


Sharon.... lovely pages and so glad you had fun doing them... look forward to seeing more of your projects ... well done !





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Sharon, lovely layouts! The way I found for myself to continue learning was to participate in the challenges, where I can practice all the tutorials that Carole has to offer. Besides that, it is a way to get inspired by all the creative layouts that my scrapbook friends --as Annie always says :) -- post here.
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Sharon, great layouts. At the rate you're going, be careful that you don't run out of pictures!


Here's last night's pic from my gaming group. The background was free from Pixabay. I added another happy little tree off in the distance and dropped some petals around for good measure. The avatar is from the game. I don't remember for sure, but the dress started out either green or blue. I used the smart selection brush to select it and the colorizing adjustment to remove the color. The change to target brush helped me turn it into a pink dress. Pinned a little cherry blossom spray in her hair and she was ready for the day. The font is Autumn Embrace Floral, a freebie from Creative Market. Added a few borders, 3-D buttonized it and had an easy frame. Hope you like it.


I actually had a rough time of it. I made a cherry blossom picture tube that I was going to use to decorate the frame, but I ran into trouble. Lately when I create a tube PSP tells me it's a duplicate when I try to use it, even though it's not. Then the program locks up on me. I don't know what's going on, but I'm putting it to bed for the day and hope it's better tonight.


~ Michele

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Michele, I love your cherry blossoms! I'm ready for Spring too (although I'm not enjoying the pollen that comes with it). The dogwood trees are starting to bloom around here, along with the pear trees and apple trees.


I've been struggling with my software also. I finally put in a ticket to tech support. I haven't heard back from them yet but I'm stumbling upon some workarounds so I'm making a little progress. I'm working my way through the intermediate tutorials. When I get a little better I'm going to try The Lab. I created a plaid texture from one tutorial and I made a somewhat metal textured text. I played around with patterns and the brush tool. I'm kind of getting the hang of it now.

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Glad you enjoyed it, Sharon. It made me smile while I was working on it. Spring is just such a happy time.


What's going on with your software? I just installed the latest update and I don't know if that's why, but I'm okay today. Of course, I got a bunch of messages about duplicate picture tube, brushes, patterns, etc. All I care right now is that it's working again.


~ Michele

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Michele, this is a lovely layout! The cherry tree is the star, and the color change of the dress came out great. I like the font too... I love fonts :)


Sharon, isn't it fun to follow the tutorials and create these lovely pages. Well done!

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Last year I started the template for a photo collage, which I did following a tutorial from an old site, but I never finished it... Only recently I decided to continue working on it... The idea was just to do the photo collage but then there was this and this tutorial I wanted to practice and in the end, I also had a front cover for an album... I watched quite a few tutorials!


From Cassel: Watercolor Pattern (Lab9-M03); Translucent Effect (Creative Scrap>Tags and Journaling>Translucent Tabs/Translucent Envelope) and Spiral Binding (Creative Scrap>Fasteners).


Freebies from following designers: Harper Finch (hf-yesterday&today cardstock untitled10); Bella Gipsy (soulsisters_pattern5; soulsisters_ricrac) and Marisa Lerin (buttons dsf 2012).


Fonts: Kristale Script and Emily Regular



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Michele, thank you so much for your kind comment. <3 ... By the way, this was the version #110 or so lol...Like you, I also have many, many fonts... Should we start a Support Group for font-a-holic? :D ...  But although there are some that I use more often, I always try to use different ones and that's why I keep downloading them. :)
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Dennis, Dawn, Sharon, Michele and Christina, I so enjoyed your layouts! I don't have a lot of imagination of my own, but I can look at other's work and a light bulb goes on! I might take the idea in a new direction, but I almost always need a jump start!


For my layout, I took an old picture of my older sister and I and tinted it. I found it pretty difficult as I use a mouse! With a black and white, the selection tools need a lot of help! I wanted a navy blue dotted swiss paper so I used a transparent dotted paper I got from someone (I wish everyone would put ther ID in the name!) and layered that onto a solid navy layer. I started with a flower cluster but added the camomile flowers for fullness, also a few more pink dots. Then I dated it using the technique we learned from Carole's Date It class yesterday.  I just used dots instead of a solid line to go with the paper and the dresses.  Fun!!

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Great work on these Dennis. Beautiful photos to start with and I particularly loved what you did with the Object Extractor on the ducks' photo. I think I shall have to play around with it for some experience. Anyways, great results my friend, well done.
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A very pretty and cute result Michele. Do you use PSP 2019 Ultimate? That is the psp version I use and it locks up on me a bit too with different tools, especially the magic wand. I have to ctrl-alt-delete and shut it down that way and when I re-open the program and tool, are fine! Go figure Hon ... just annoying glitches. <3
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