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March Theme Challenge - SEWING


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Did you ever do any sewing, for yourself, for your kids or for someone else? Do you have children or grandchildren interested in sewing? or fascinated by all needlecrafts?


Create a layout about your sewing adventures.


Show off your PSP skills and maybe your sewing skills at the same time!

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I am going first here. When the kids were younger (and I didn't really have much to do on the computer), I loved to sew. I still love it but I don't have as much time. For 14 years, I did all the kids Halloween costumes (and a couple for myself and my husband). Here is one layout I did as part of my Alphabet book that illustrates some of those costumes:




Everything on this page was made from scratch.

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At one point, I had over 40 costumes at home. I started trying to rent them but in a way, I didn't have a big enough selection to make it a viable option. I lent them to a lady I knew who had hundreds of costumes and I would get $5 for each of my costumes she rented. It ended up that she moved away and I never saw them again. Sad in a way, but they likely would have just gathered dust in a closet anyway. It is nice for memory but that would have taken too much space.
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Great work.   Our youngest daughter wanted her bathroom to be yellow.   We could not find yellow shower curtains so I said I would make them.   Well, I folded the material in half and I ended up with 11 holes not the regular 12.   But, the funniest was, I did not notice it until I hung them up.   I had one extra hook, I thought that was great in case one broke.   Then I did a bit more looking and realized what I had done.
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Thank you for the comments.   Annie and Cassel your pages are very inspiring.   I really enjoy looking at the work of other scrapbookers.


My mom was a seamstress and she taught me how to sew.  I then taught my daughter how to sew.


My daughter and I sewed my granddaughter 12 pairs of PJs.   I took a girl from the kit LLiella PJ Kids.  With the freehand tool, point to point, I went around her body, arms and legs and filled with actual pictures of the fabric we used for the  PJs we made.   I added a bevel to make it more realistic.  Then I selected the hair bows and slippers and changed the color.   I used cass-ColoredEdge for the red around the edge.   I used a quilt paper.  It sure took a long time to finish, but overall I was pleased.

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