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What are you working on (in March 2019)?


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Hi all, what great work each and everyone of you do. Everything is awesome!!

This is my lesson 2 form Basic Scrap Course.

Dede Smith was for the Alpha

Carena's design for Autumn Lesiure for the kit.


My colors are a little to samey, but working with a Alpha is not something I really enjoy. Most of the kits I have purchased

do not include them.


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Lovely result for Lesson 2 Darlene. I don't find your colours samey at all, I think the whole result blends beautifully. Besides, if you are anything like I am when creating, sometimes your mood says dark, and, sometimes it screams brights, go figure, :) Well done Hon. <3
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Oh, Sheila, I'm sorry for your PC problems. I've been wondering where you were. I hope you can start playing again soon.


Darlene, You did a wonderful job. I don't find the colors "samey" at all; I think you picked colors that complemented each other beautifully. Working with Alphas is not my favorite thing to do as it can be tedious. I'm just thankful for the alignment tools PSP gives us.


~ Michele

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Darlene, the layout is very nice, and I agree with my friends here, your color fits perfectly with the painting colors.


Carole has a free script that is called SnapOn/SnapOff and I like to use it when I am working with alphas... I have it bound in the menu bar... Here is the post where she explains how to do it.





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Thank you Micfin and cristina, I will check into the snap on/snap off. I did use the grid to line the alpa up from paintshop pro!


My brother liked the page as well, the dog and lamb picture is one Our Grandmother had in her house for as long as we can remember. He took a picture of it and restored the picture.





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hello everyone ....  here are 2 more cards that I have been doing from the 2017 card challenge ...... Card 5...... used Cass Corner punches, Diamond tube in my collection and Cass Waving Script and Circle Doodle Script for the Spirographs and on the light coloured paper.... created the flowers using a petal shape from Cass Petal 1 font. created one circle layer of petals and added a filters unlimited 2 -pattern generator-magic flower effect to it and then duplicated the layers and then painted in the centre.... Card 6..... created heart shape from shape and Cass filigrane script...... hibiscus a coloured digital stamp from Beccy's Place here in Australia.  gingham - Cass Script. Background paper free from the coffeeshop blog ..... 6 more to do but I am enjoying  the challenge have set myself to do.



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Love the cards, Dawn. Those flowers on Card 5 are incredibly realistic! They look like if I touched them, they would feel like velvet. Your use of the filigrane script on Card 6 is wonderful. I think I have it, but never used it. Now you've challenged me!




~ Michele

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hello Cristina, Thank you so very much for your comments ... always appreciated.


hello Michele ...... I am happy you liked the cards ... they are going into my email greetings folder so I hope they will be liked by all who receive them....  I also have a few of Cassel's scripts that I have not yet used but must give them a go.


best of wishes to you both,



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hello everyone .... here are my next 2 cards from the 12 card templates i have set myself to do.


Card 7 .... used Cass Alpha Button freebie. Cass Decorative Stitch font for the stitching but with no shadows and also used the same stitch with Cass Embossed script to create effect on  the dark squares. Rose tube from program and the ribbon and bow a script from Joannes Digital Design... Floral Pattern paper was created with PS pattern by sofi01.


Card 8 ..... Floral Pattern paper by same person  above. ... Floral image is from a Digital Parchment kit i purchased quite a while ago but the site is now closed... Ribbon created with Cass Crochet Lace 1 script... Pearls with Cass Chain Bead tube also used Cassel Glitter script and the embossed overlay was made with a brush and Cass Embossed script.  sentiment is from a purchased digital stamp set from Beccys Place.



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 Annie.. Thank you for your very much appreciated comments on the cards  I am doing... card making is my main activity with PSP whether for emails or  for printing out as an extra option for my traditional card making... doing this challenge to myself has been helping me to get  my creativity going ... and I am enjoying it once again. I also love  warm colours  but quite often try the cooler tones  just to be a bit different.


Annie   a lovely result achieved with the gold effect above  and will make a great element to add to one of your wonderful  pages.


all the best,



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Hi all! Here is my lesson 3. Actually Strider did not really care for his hat. Once the hat was on his head, the picture was taken very quickly, as the hat did not stay there!


All the new things that are posted are wonderful. I really enjoy looking at each and every one!



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Played today with Cassel's - Classes - Intermediate - Master Classes - Many Shades of Grey.  Wow!  What a fantastic class.  I feel I have much more to learn with this one ... I think I will put it up as a suggestion for the next Webinar.  Anyway, enough yabbering.  Result below.  Thanks for takin a peek.
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Dawn, your cards are both lovely, as usual. I happen to love purple so I do have a preference. :)


Darlene, Strider looks very distinguished with his hate on.


Annie, I love your flowers. I took a stab at the gold lesson, too, as I'll show you below. There are so many classes I've yet to "attend," but Many Shades of Grey looks like it should be on the top of my list.


~ Michele

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I read the latest Campus newsletter last night. One of the links showed us how to turn elements into gold, as Annie already displayed for us. It came in handy for my gaming group's theme today as I wanted to turn one of the game's characters into a charm. I applied the method to the text, too. I didn't have a lot of time, but I thought it came out okay. I also used Cassel's gold chain picture tubes to make the bracelet and the frame.


~ Michele

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