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What are you working on (in March 2019)?


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in March, be it a scrapbook page, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!

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Hello everyone.....back in November 2017 Cassel had a card challenge. I registered but didn't participate because of circumstances at the time. So I thought  I would revisit them and see what I can do with them. here is my result with the card 1 template. I have used Cassel's edge font on the doiley and the sweat pea is a digital stamp purchased from Beccys Place here in Australia.


Best wishes,



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As always, I love your project, Dawn. I'm trying to pick out one element that I like best, but I love it all!


I must have missed that challenge. I hope Cassell offers it again as I'm always looking for inspiration to make cards.


~ Michele

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I am delving deeper into my Heritage Scrapbook, began during the Love Scrapbook class in February. I have already posted most of my work on those pages, so won't repeat them here, but will continue my project this month. I look forward to seeing what everyone else is working on, not just for the pure pleasure of enjoying your work, but for inspiration as well. There are lots of creative people on here and it is fun to see how each person interprets a project or challenge.
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Thank you Michele, I am glad you liked the card ... always appreciate your comments.... there were 12 altogether so 11 more for me to do ... a little bit at a time.


shutterpixi.. Thank you for your kind comments on my card... I do appreciate it .


best wishes to you both,





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The theme for my gaming group today was French Film Festival.  The blank film strip was free from kisspng. The original one had white in the frames so I used the magic wand to select and delete them. Using various pick tool modes and the mesh warp tool, I manipulated the individual movie posters into each of the frames, under the film strip. I erased any overlap. Hope you like it.


~ Michele

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hello everyone.... this is what I did with Card 2 template from the 2017 12 Days of Christmas challenge. The nice thing about templates is they can be used for any occasion and tweaked however you like.... I have chosen to keep it simple.... on 5 of the placeholder circles on the template I have used portions of a dot embossed overlay.... created the vector circle and added scallop effect with Cassel's Edge Font and also used Cassel's Edge Magic script on it.... leafy background circle was created with a brush and mura meister copies plugin and then I added eye candy chrome plugin with gold setting to it... I have again used my hand painted wren bird that I did a few years ago when I was learning to paint birds in oils.


best wishes to everyone,



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Hi Dawn, glad to see you are back!. :) Your cards are lovely and have so many details and techniques. Your handpainted birds are amazing.


Michele, very nice layout... I am sure it was a lot of work to fit all the posters into the film strip.


Annie, I missed this webinar and it must have been great... your layout is beautiful.


Great work, ladies!



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Thank you so much everybody. I was actually pretty proud of this one. I've used straight film strips before, but the curved ones always gave me trouble. I finally figured it out!


Dawn, your card is lovely. What a great idea to use the overlay on the circles. And your knowledge of all the plugins is great. I need your memory. LOL


~ Michele

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