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What are you working on (in January 2019)


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It is a new month and a new year.


Show off what you are working on in January, be it a scrapbook page, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!


Show us greeting cards, or other holiday projects, while you are at it!

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I did a layout of a friend in Iceland and her family.  She is from Iceland and moved here with her husband.  When she divorced, she moved back.  Her 2nd husband passed away and she is moving back in 2 weeks!  I haven't seen her is about 30 years!  I wanted to make her something special so I did this layout.  I struggled with how to make Merry Christmas 2018 in Icelandic.  I asked the question in Facebook and got several answers, but Carole had the simplest solution.  Go to Google Translate.  Put in what you want and select the language you want it translated to.  Copy your results and using your Text Tool, paste the words into PSP.  It worked perfectly!  Thank you Carole!





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This one was a free kit from Digital Scrapbooking Studio from their The Rainbow Tree advent calendar collection. I just fell in love with the gnomes. I did a lot of cloning to change the word art element from Believe to Merry Christmas.


I hope everyone enjoyed the December holidays.


~ Michele

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DeLoris, your page is lovely and I am sure your friend was touched by your gesture.


Michele, both layouts are so cute, and the gnomes are lovely. You did a great work with cloning!


I haven't been scrapping or here in the Campus lately due to the holidays... I hope to catch up in the coming days/weeks.


I am looking forward to the Scrap Bootcamp... I am sure I will learn a lot.

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Thank you Cristina!  It made a nice memento for her and her family that is staying in Iceland.


Yeah, I think everyone is holidayed out.  I know I am.  Not much going on here to make pages for.  My grandson just got back from his Dad's yesterday.  Plus, NO SNOW!  Arrggghhhhh!


I did make a desktop out of one of my Christmas pages and changed my Facebook Header.





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Used Carole's 2018 year in review template (with a little update to 2019) for my gaming group's theme today. As usual, I only had a couple of hours to come up with and execute the concept so there are several things I would have liked to do differently. But all in all, it served it's purpose. I think it has a fun feel to it.


~ Michele

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Thank you Michele, I like that header too.  Heidi didn't eat the pretzel, she was just nosy and wanted to play with it for a few seconds.  Sorry, they are all gone now, I gave most of them to a friend!  :(


I like your year in review page!  It's good you keep your resolutions.  I never have!  LOL





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I read the blog regarding AV Bros Page Curl Pro and it inspired me to work through a tutorial I got from Charlieonline Graphics back in 2012. The tutorial included a number of presets for bows and ribbon curls. I don't use the programme a much as I should, it is very easy for folds and curls.
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