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Scrap Bootcamp - January 2019


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OK, I just went through the first day, and I can already tell that this is going to be harder for me because I am using PSP 9 and not 2019. I had to hunt around for things which takes much more time and there are some things I don't have or couldn't find, like the User Interface, which may not be something I really need, don't know. I'll see how things go but I may not be able to follow along and I don't want to get the trial of 2019 because after 30 days I would have to go back to my PSP9 and I'd be lost all over again and I don't have the money to update to 2019 :(
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@Angel, yes, it is a bit different with older versions of PSP, but if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. Many members still have PSP9 on hand. In fact, it is the version I use when I code scripts, so ask away!


In PSP9, there is no color customization. That started with version X4. I guess since I started using PSP at version 7, and they only had the light workspace, that is why I keep preferring that color. The Background color customization is from version X2.


But don't worry, once you know your way around, your will be able to create the projects like everyone else.

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I have my Workspace set to Dark Grey and the Background set to Medium Grey - I tend to use Tabbed Documents most of the time. I also only have the Materials and Layers Palettes open, although I will open the Organiser if I am working on a collage with all the photos in one folder. Two of my best purchases to help with using PSP are a Wacom tablet (even though it is nearly 10 years old) and a 45cm monitor - much easier than trying to see everything on a laptop.



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Hello Everyone!


I am Shannon (go by MyArk) and I am using PSP 2018. I began using PSPX forever ago and loved it so much I never upgraded the program. It was perfect for my needs. When my old laptop finally died, I was forced to get the newer program. Was I in for a surprise! I am sure I will love this one too, in time and with a bit of practice. I am looking forward to having fun with all of you and learning a few new skills.


At the end of May 2018, shortly after the purchase of this new computer and PSP 2018, I fell and shattered the humerus of my dominant arm. While the bone has healed, I still have a time with my shoulder, baby steps all the way. Finally I am able to do most things I need to and am back to computing regularly, hopefully I can get settled back into a creative mode and  once again enjoy photo manipulation and learning new things.

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Homework-Day 1:


I have a customized and saved workspace. Preferring the light gray workspace, I keep the materials and layers palettes visible, and have all toolbars except web and photo. Not every tool from each of the chosen toolbars is visible, but customized according to my most frequently used tools.



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Homework 1


I have chosen Dark grey background, I remember when it was changed how much I loved having the dark background and haven't changed my mind.


I like my area to be simple and clear so I just have the palettes: Materials and layers and standard tools. I did untab documents. I prefer to have my images separate.


So feel I'm now ready to go, thank you Carole xxx

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Good Morning everyone.  Nice to meet you all.


My name is Lois and I am from Ontario, Canada.  I have been using psp for a few years now and am currently using the X18 version. I am always looking to earn new things.


My current preferences are:


Desktop - medium grey background with white and transparent blank image


Pallett - materials, layers, script and tools


Tool Bar - script, standard, status and tools


So far these settings seem to work the best for me.

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Hi, everybody. It's great hearing from all the new members in the Campus. For those who don't know me, my name is Michele and I live on Long Island in New York, U.S.


I'm a visual learner so instead of simply describing my settings, I thought it would be easier to show you. The only palettes I keep open are the Tool Options, Material, and Layers because I use them all the time. When I started out, I had the Learning Center palette docked, too. If you look all the way to the right, you'll see some floating palettes that I use infrequently, but I like having them at my fingertips. I've also customized my standard toolbar by adding some tools that I use often.


Looking forward to Day 2!


~ Michele

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Just finished cleaning the driveway of 13 inches of snow.  So NOW ready to play around with this!  I ended up downloading the trial version so that my screen would look the same. I am still a PSP newbie. As a result, I set up all my colors and palettes to look just like the ones in the videos so that I don't confuse myself!!  And now I see that day 2 has arrived. Will get there soon.
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Hello Everyone.  I seem to be having problems posting comments.  My fault I am sure.  First my PC hung up while trying to upload a scrap page.  I restarted and posted just text and it worked fine so did an edit  to try the scrap page again.  That was also successful but I wanted to receive replies and forgot to check the box so I edited again but after I clicked to submit my comment disappeared.


They say 3rd time is charm so I shall see.


For day 1


I use a very simple and clean screen with the light gray.  I have the material pallet, tool options, and layers pallet open.  Others I open as needed and then close them when I am done using them.  I also keep the script toolbar at top and have a custom one with my favorite of Carole's scripts on it.


I use PSP 2018 or 2019 depending on which computer I am on.  I have purchased every version since V 10 and had Jasc 6 before that.  I have been Scrapbooking off and on for close to 20 years.  I enjoy making or mouse drawing my own supplies and I love Carole's scripts.  Especially the bows, knots and ribbons.

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hi ))


I have a lot of worries since September 2017 with the videos you put on campus, but also on the bootcamp, sorry. I did not want to bored you with that, but it really becomes almost illegible for a French woman who does not know all the correspondences in English. I often try to see where you click to know what to do, but sometimes it's litigious ... I put 2 captures with the video 2 : the first in SmallScreen, the other inFullScreen.


You had to change video recorder, no ??? Is there a way to make a little more visible, and especially readable, for the French woman that I am LOL


Thanks for all :))

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Hi from James in the North of England. I have used PSP from version 9 for editing my photographs and when working to produce instruction handouts with photos in. Only found Scrapbooking recently so have joined to find out more. Using PSP2018 for these lessons (will be using PSP2019 on my new computer so will use these setting there)


Have just watched lesson 1 and setup my screen background to Medium Grey  and have now returned my missing Tool Options panel to the screen.


(A few chores to do then I will watch lesson 2 )



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