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Scrap Bootcamp - January 2019


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I'm sorry but I got carried away playing with my sandwich as I wanted to lay the table properly with a table clother and some flowers.


I did enjoy playing though :)

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Hello Everyone,, Finally made it in here,  I am Helen from New Brunswick, Canada.  Married for 47 years and have three wonderful children and three grandsons..


I am using Paint Shop Pro 2019 (PSP 2019), have been playing around in PSP for some time but have not done any real digital scrapbooking. I am also a diamond member of the Campus.. Have used PSP to color in some black and white photos of my family. Very happy to be doing this bootcamp with you.. I am ready to learn.. Hugs to everyone.

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HI. I'm Debbie from western NC in the USA.


The thing I've appreciated the most so far was being reminded that I can enlarge the icons... much easier on my eyes. I've also enjoyed reviewing some basics. We sometimes lose the tips and hints along the way so this is great.


I am using 2018 PSP. I have 2019 but haven't done the upgrade on this computer yet. The light gray background is my preference now though I have been playing around with it.


I decided that for my plate, I wanted to dig right in so I poised the knife above the bread ready to cut it into lunch! I am right-handed so I rotated the cup for easy reach.

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Homework-Day 2


Added a tablecloth and shadows to each layer. Usually, I would merge portions of my image then add the shadow, however, I thought I might wish to edit or delete some of the elements later on as I learn more about how the program has changed since version X. I saved in both .pspimage and .png file formats to allow this and upload to this post.



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@Angel, are you referring to the size of a photo to place onto a layout? Knowing that the standard scrapbook page will be 3600x3600 pixels, you just have to have photos of a size that would match that. It is like using papers: it would be 12x12 inches so if you had tiny photobooth pictures, it would look small for the project.


If you make the rulers visible (with View > Rulers), you could have an idea of the size you need for your photo to fit in. However, if the images are separate (as opposed to one image with separate layers), then the zoom value can make one look larger or smaller than it really is. How do they look when added on the project as a new layer?


Does that help?

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I'm loving seeing where everyone is from, their comments and their sandwiches.  I did not do lesson 1 & 2 because I had done them before.  Here is my lesson 3.  It is of my grandson Danny when he was a baby.  He's almost 12 now and I have to admit, I miss him being little.


I hope everyone is learning lots and seeing how much fun making layouts are!  Thanks Carole!



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@Angel, that size is about one-quarter of the size of the page so it is not that small. Once you add it on the project (as a new layer), does it look too small? Sometimes, we only have small pictures, and we can definitely still make a layout with that. Give it a try and see how it turns out. You might be surprised.
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Carole...yes it looks small to me, but it doesn't have a frame around it either or border. Here is my lesson 3. I added another photo since I thought they were kinda small. Hope that's OK? And I just now see that the bottom text really needs to be in black and not white or maybe the color of the other text :( Didn't see that until I uploaded the picture. It says RIP 01-08-2019.
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