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What are you working on (in July)?


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I found myself dabbling with another poser image that is free at pannsplace.   it is a card for the young and young at heart who happen to like butterflies and fairies... I don't do much with fantasy style in my card making but for some reason this image got me playing. I created a little background scene with PSP tree, flower and grass tubes and a free brush called suddenly spring to go with the flowers. I made the embossed butterfly overlay from a free image at the old design shop. deleted the white areas and extracted 3 different butterflies from the image and made a brush with them. with the brush I made a page layer design  and then used Cassel's Emboss Script on it... duplicated that layer a few times to get the effect I wanted and then used layer blend mode overlay to get what you see...  font is Zinikomit N0.24



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I need your help, ladies. I'm working on a surprise for a dear friend's m-i-l who was recently very ill. My friend posted pics of her m-i-l's cats so I thought I would do something special with them. Since I'm a rookie at actual scrapbooking, I need your comments, criticisms, suggestions, etc. I'm not feeling very confident so please help me out, my friends.


I used the template from the Lab 5-12. The background papers are from Marisa Lerin at PixelScrapper. I made the tags and the little badge with the kitty's face on it. The fonts I used are SleepyFatCat and Fantastic.


~ Michele

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Hello Michele, I am sure your friend will be delighted to receive such a thoughtful surprise because you made it with love from your heart. From one learner to another I think your page is very sweet.. I really like it...... the cats  and the little badge with kitty face you made look so cute...  ... Michele we all do different styles of projects and sometimes we can think our end result is not good enough (I know I do) or our confidence is a bit low... but I would like to encourage you to remember that every project we make in this PSP journey is indeed a creative work of art... and I enjoy seeing yours !


best wishes to you my friend,



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Michele your kitty cat page is adorable. I think your friend will be quite captivated with it. Terrific layout and adorable colour scheme, very well done. I understand your hesitation, it is very daunting when faced with a blank page cos then the mind goes blank!!! LOL! I love your style. <3
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Three amazing layouts...Dawn, you created a lovely background scene and I especially love the trees, subtle but they draw attention. I have the emboss script and I love it. The embossed butterflies background looks great! Good work!


Annie, when I joined the Campus I started with the Start Here tutorials and they are great. I love the patterned black paper as a background... the photos and elements really stand out. Great job!


Michele, looking at your layout, nobody will say you are a rookie at scrapbooking. The whole page is great and I love the badge with the kitty face... And I like as well the way you mixed the patterned papers. With the knowledge and experience you have creating daily images for your game page, I think you are more than ready to make any scrapbook page you want. Lovely work!

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Hello Members.  Cassel made a comment on the Scrapbook Campus Facebook page about the color indigo and kinda put it out there as a challenge so I created this and posted on our SC Facebook page.  In my Google search, it was very interesting to discover that Indigo is an international airline company from India so that is why I used the photo of the plane in my project.  Thanks for lookin!
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Hi Michele, love both of your cards and so very creative ! ... I reckon your friends will enjoy receiving them !...  the dimensional effect on the card for Laurie is so very effective !... it looks like it took a bit of time to do but a great result achieved.



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Thanks so much, ladies. That puppy does have the sweetest face. <3


Dawn, Laurie's card did take quite a bit of time...figuring out what I wanted, how to do what I wanted, and then executing it. I eventually put each selection on a different layer so I could add separate drop shadows. Every time I forgot to start a new layer I had to go back.


Am I the only one who sometimes spends as much time staring at the screen as I do actually working on the project? There are times it takes me forever to get inspired.


~ Michele

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