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July Theme Challenge - BEACH


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Michele thanks so much for you comment and yes Pat does have some great poser images on her site and she is so generous in offering them free to use.... they make great elements to use in projects .


Cristina and Annie, Thank you both also for your kind words.


Jnet  a very nice page and I love your butterfly and flower element.


best wishes to you all,



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I have only been to a beach one time in my 74 years of life and that was in 2003. I had a Hilarious experience one day. My friend walked me out into the ocean water to ride the waves back onto the beach ( and of course I was scared to death because I could not even swim LOL. Well she left me and caught the waves rolling while I was drowning in the waves. I finally got her attention enough that she realized I was in trouble and came to help me!!! Something I will never forget and laugh about to this very day!
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Patricia, having grown up on the ocean and not being much of a swimmer, I can only imagine how frightening it must have been for you. I'm glad you can find the humor in it now. I have to admit I was cracking up when I looked at your page. Those are wonderful pics.


~ Michele

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Hi SC Friends.  This is another for the beach challenge.  Only snagged the photo for this one.  Browsed layouts for a single photo and viewed heaps and this one appealed to me most with a few minor changes.  Thanks for takin a peek.  <3



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Patricia, the sea was not that calm with so many waves close to one another... difficult to get up once one falls! But good that in the end, everybody can laugh until today. Love the page and the caption.


Annie, really great pages... I love the colors in both layouts.

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Thanks Michele, so glad you liked it my friend. I loved the photo and it could have come right out of my childhood. We always had holidays with my mum's folk at a beach called Urangan when I was a child and this beach photo was almost identical to what it looked like from the front veranda of the holiday cabin! All gone now, high rise plush units have taken the place of the little holiday cabins … money paves the way!
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