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What are you working on (in June)?


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Hi Annie :) These lessons from the Lab are great, and this project is so nice. I checked online and saw that the lodges, besides this beautiful scenery, also have an amazing sea view... So, I will accept your invitation, my friend! :D LOL
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Annie... "I would be most welcome"..."It is nice to dream of"... So you are withdrawing the invitation? :(  :'( ... And I was already packing! LOL LOL


Usually, I prefer a simpler layout, but IMHO I find this one very good because the background has a subtle color and the details are colorful and blend well together. Well done! I like to work sometimes with templates because I do things outside my comfort zone.

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Thanks dear Cristina. Now that I have shown my true colours let me say in my defence that I had the best of intentions but I haven't got there myself yet, LOL! Very pleased that you liked the silhouette scrap. Amazing how the background can help to tone things down. :) Annie.
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Not the best thing anyone has ever done, but I forgot about my friend's bday and had to do this quickly. It's the first time I've tried anything like this. I added texture to the dark purple layer. Then using what I learned in Lab 5-11, I scalloped the edges and then did the cutouts with the eraser tool using the same technique of using a guide. The embellishments are from the font that I used, Paladise Script and Paladise Bonus. My original idea was to do something like Cassel's card and envelope sample, but I couldn't figure out how to "grunge up" the paper. I used it for inspiration in a different way.


~ Michele

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I had to have a go at this.  Such simplicity and very effective.  Wanted a grungy/messy alpha and couldn't find one so decided to create my own … turned out ok!  I'm finding more and more that creating your own elements etc., with psp is very self satisfying.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Annie.... your Lab 6-3,4 and 5 projects are very nice. the Lab tutorials are a great way to learn PSP... I must do a few more myself.


Michele... you birthday card looks nice and I am sure you friend will be happy to receive it.



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Hello Scrapbook Campus Friends.  I was perusing Cassel's earlier tutorials and liked the look of the Basic Scrap Course Module 2 layout so decided to give it a go.  I am totally enamoured of the Open as One Layer script … bonus, and I am becoming addicted to creating alpha.  Also can use this one for the June word challenge.  Thanks for takin a peek.



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hello Everyone...  a little update on the problem I was having  trying to upload etc in the forum area. my computer friend came home from his holiday and after much testings he determined it was internet explorer 11 that had a hiccup in it somewhere... so he reset it and what a surprise.... he was right... so now problem solved.. ( I hope).


I started this project with the Lab 8-06 template modified but ended up with a double page layout. I hadn't really tried the double page effect but I am pleased with how it turned out. The photos were taken by my in-laws on their vacation travelling through the Bunyeroo Valley.... The gold tone paper is a freebie from the coffeeshop blog and I used Cassel's  Torn edge script on it... I made the plaid paper and the floral rings brush....I chose the Chrome tutorial from Lab 8 to create  the Australia word but changed the colour to blend better with my colour theme.



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Happy to see you back, Dawn. Your layout is beautiful. I love how you faded the colors on the background pic to further highlight the three in the middle. I haven't gotten to the Chrome tutorial yet, but I love the effect.


Annie, you made a lovely tribute to your grandmother's garden. Amazing how smell can trigger our memories. I really like how the title looks. Do you mind sharing how you made it?


~ Michele

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Annie, lovely layout and journaling. Smells really bring back memories... I remember going into a shop years ago and smelling a perfume that immediately reminded me of my mother using it when she was going out. It brought back good memories from more than 40 years ago... and in the end, I had to buy it. :)


Like Michele, I like the title very much and was wondering how you made it. Great work!


Dawn, I am so happy you are back! I do hope that the problem is solved but just in case, what about downloading another browser, like Chrome for example? So, if in one doesn't work you will always have another. :)


Your double page is beautiful... the colors and tones... I love the title with the chrome effect and the way you arranged it. Great layout!

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