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Double Take Challenge 2018


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CHallenge Day 4

Got carried away and did a centre page spread of photos.

These photos are a recent visit to a park, which has an area with all the animals and a few more that we were unable to get photos of.

There is also a lake which we love to visit too.

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I am continually surprised and inspired by the many different examples of the same challenge, just goes to show that there is no right or wrong way to do these pages only what we feel looks good.


Jan I was very interested in your photos of Lord Howe Island, I have never been there but we did celebrate our 40th Wedding Anniversary on Norfolk Island. It was fascinating to learn the history of the convicts and the mutineers and to see the different conditions in which they all lived. I might use some of my photos on another day if they are suitable.


My Day 5 page features photos from my last trip to England in 2013 (which could also be my last in the other meaning of the word). I had seen the Brighton Pavilion in passing a few times before we left England but as my niece lives in Brighton we took the opportunity to visit the town with my sister and brother-in-law. The panorama was made with Image Composite Editor. The frames for the photos were done with Corel's Simple Caption script although I did change the background and the size of the font. I used two colours in the Pavilion for a very subtle gradient on the bottom and continued this in the big words - it doesn't really show that much but I didn't want anything heavy.

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Well I finally had time and caught up - at least to Day 5.   In February 2016 we went to Vietnam and were there for Tet (Chinese New Year).   Fantastic, the people, the colours, the lights and all the flowers, it goes on for about 5 days and is a public holiday for most.


We started in Ho Chi Minh City where we saw all the flower displays being set up and saw the opening night and what a sight that was.  We then went to Hoi An for the actual New Year celebration night and that was WOW also.


My layout is set in Ho Chi Minh showing some sights and the flowers.  I used two night time photos together for the background and Cass's Scattered Photos Script to scatter the photos, resize and add borders, made life so much easier.


So many new lovely images, I think we are all having fun with this Challenge, thanks Carole.



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Hello everyone. It has come to my attention that at least one participant in the challenge has been experiencing issues on the site and is unable to post her projects in the forum. If you are having some similar odd issues, can you please let me know by email (obviously, if that is your case, you can't post in here). Just click the little yellow rectangle on the right side of this page and it will open an email to me.


For everyone else who is able to post and have, your work is fantastic!!! You are real creators and designers. I am hoping those are not the only scrapbook layouts that you will do this year!! :)

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Awesome Annie and Jan. :) Annie, I love Disney, have collected Disney items since I was a kid. Jan that celebration looks great fun, love the photos.


Here's my challenge Day 5, more photos from my holiday in Gloucestershire last year.

The top photo is a panoramic I created using my bridge camera which has a panoramic feature included.

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Here is my day 4. Being a scattered layout reminded me of a post board where you pin all relevant and not so relevant bits to. I used Cassel's scripts for the texture cork, Photo and ticket strips. Any other elements are what I made. TFL






Sheila xx

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I haven't had a chance to participate yet, but I just looked at the forum and I just say how impressed I am. You have all done beautiful layouts. I love how different your layouts are even though they are based on the same ideas.


~ Michele

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So many great layouts posted here. That's the beauty of these challenges, Cassel gives one template or idea and each one makes amazing pages completely different from each other.


I am very late as usual, and today I am posting Day 1. I used techniques from the LAB 8/01 - Plaid4 - (background paper) and from the LAB 8/02 - Shaped Text (title) and Word Frame (photos).


I also used cass-Burnt Edge Paper, doodle (Sheila Reid) stitches (Holly Wolf Scraps) and corkboard texture (Fuzzimo)... all freebies.

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Hi Sheila, we love to go there too, especially when it is cold here. You are not the only one! :) There are many British living in Algarve, and they have their own radio station, pubs and newspaper. These you find for free in the supermarkts at the entrance.
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