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Double Take Challenge 2018


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Jan, I love your Australian bird pictures! They work perfectly with the Day 1 template.


Sheila, your flower photos are beautiful and also work very well with the template.  I'm glad I looked at the enlarged versions of your pages because the stitching on the photos is a very nice touch.


My photos did not work so well with the layout, being more landscape-oriented, but I gave it a try anyway.


Here's my contribution; this is my first double page.  I learned a lot about masks with this project and became more comfortable using them.  This is also the first time I have used a layout template.  Thank you, Cassel, for the challenge!



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I have a question please.  I am using PSP9...yes I know it is old but it is the one I love to use.  Do these same steps work with that version?  I am at a loss to find a pick tool.  Any help appreciated.



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Day 2: This was a tough one because we are having thunderstorms and I have a huge sinus headache! I bought a cat tree for my Heidi and my 11 yr old grandson assembled it for me. Heidi loves her tree and sleeps in it most of the day.

I love what everyone is doing and I keep looking forward to seeing your new pages.

If you want templates, you can get tons here for free HERE



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Finished my Day 1 Double Take page 2 with my Australian Bird Theme photos.  I have so many photos I have taken over the years of birds I see and have seen around my area, I stuck to the most familiar first.


Thanks for the comments.  I have looked at your work too and everyone is individually unique - very enjoyable.


For page two I have some baby Lorikeets who are so sweet when young, some Kookaburra young with a parent or Aunt, and a young Magpie, these babies are the racket makers when they beg for food from their parents.  Enjoy





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Hi ... needing just a little help please. When I upload my image I have resized in psp down to 600 pixels as requested. This makes the image very small and not crystal clear. I have noticed that clicking on the link beside the pictures that others have posted it goes to another page where the images show up a beautiful size. Any tips for me with this as I have noticed that the text on my 2nd double take is barely recognizable. Thanks!
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What wonderful work everyone is doing! I love your birds Jan, we don't get parrots in our garden, only a few Galahs, but we have been lucky enough to have a visit from a Wedgetailed Eagle and a Goshawk - unfortunately they don't hang around long enough for photos!


Annie your flowers were beautiful.


I struggled to think of something for this one, I have zoo photos but I didn't want to do the same as Cassel and the shape of the template was difficult for me. Then I remembered some of the interesting statues and other art work I have seen in my travels and came up with these 2 pages. I couldn't resist the "Loaded Dog" photo so changed the template to suit. The background colours were from the Snake Gully Emu, and I added a grass texture to the lighter one.

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Annie, are you resizing the whole double page to 600 pixels or each individual one? If you are putting both together, try resizing to 1200 pixels instead. Also, I find that sometimes, it gives better results to save a full-size copy in jpg format and resize that jpg image instead of the pspimage. And if it still does not seem to give a good result, add a little sharpness with Adjust > Sharpen > Sharpen. Remember that you are going from 7200 pixels to 600 pixels, so there are some lost details.
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Thanks Cassel. That is exactly what I was doing ... putting it all together in psp and then resizing to 600 pixels. I will resize to 1200 pixels for the next one and make sure it is properly sharpened. Loving the challenge, thank you. Hugs......Annie T
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Very nice, Sheila! I like your use of repeating elements; that also ties the two pages together.


Here's my Day 3.  I have a lot of landscape-oriented photos for this project so I had to try a slightly different layout for the second page, a horizontal picture mask instead of a vertical one. I also discovered that when I used a regular photo for the background it wasn't wide enough to cover both pages with my tweaked layout so after much experimenting I swapped out another background photo which was shot in panorama format instead. Now I had more options when adjusting the background to show the best parts of the photo in the negative space.



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