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Double Take Challenge 2018


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I played with one of the templates from Cassell; It was my mothers birthday this weekend. I used one of the family photos taken on the day. (My daughter was not able to attend as she had a wedding to go to that day). The photo was not taken by me.


I changed the original colours and patterns of the template to match the colours in the photo.

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Amazing new layouts posted here. Great work everyone.


This is my Day 2. For the background, I used Kerstin Aagard Great "Great Outdoors" pattern 2 paper.


From Cassel, I used Paper Cutout Leaves freebie (Paper Cutout Script); Sequin Weather freebie (Custom Sequin Script) and Paper Butterflies freebie (Paper Butterfly Script).

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Hi everyone, I struggle in PSP 2018 with the fonts.

I have separate folders with fonts that I do not want to install, how can I use a font in psp 2018 without installing it on my PC ?

I have windows 10, befor PSP 2018 I open the font in the explorer, and it apears in PSP, is this different in PSP 2018 ?



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@Marie-Claire, have a look at this week's article on the blog: https://scrapbookcampus.com/2018/05/using-outside-fonts-in-paintshop-pro/ It explains exactly how to do that. The reason it does not work like before, is probably that you used to have Windows XP and now you have Windows 10. That feature was lost between XP and 7 and has nothing to do with PSP. (I also miss that feature).
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@ Cassel, Thank you for the 7 days, I learned a lot, and it was fun. I am also very happy with the explanation of the 7th day about printing.


I am curious about the next Challenge.


Thanks also to the people who participated and shared their work here. It was very inspiring

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Thank you too, Marie-Claire. I loved the photos of your beautiful dog Enzo.  You have some outstanding pictures of him.


We have a 3-year-old rescue, a black-faced long-haired German Shepherd named Hawkeye.  He's a good-looking dog but it's very hard to take a decent photo of him, so I really appreciate what a good model Enzo was for you.  Thank you again for sharing him with us.

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I do have a couple of ideas for future challenges, but of course, I am always open to suggestions as it would be more fun to do a challenge that YOU want, than one that I want. :)


So don't hesitate to propose ideas for other 7-day challenges.

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Marie-Claire, I love your layouts with Enzo. He was a beautiful dog and you will always love him even though he is not physically present. With your scrapbooking you will always be able to relive your beautiful experiences with him. Lovely work. Hugs......Annie T
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Annie, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my layout. I really appreciate! Hugs :)


Marie-Claire, I also loved your layouts with Enzo... he was really a beautiful dog and I am sure both of you shared good moments together.


I still have two layouts to finish, but I have to say that participating in the challenge was/is fun, and seeing all the amazing layouts that everyone shared here is very inspiring.

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Patricia, you should be able to post more than one image on a single post. Were you getting an error? Were you trying to upload the wrong version (like too big or a .pspimage format)?


If you want, you can also create a double page as a single image, resize it to about 900-1000 pixels wide and upload it as one image. That is another option.


Glad to see you post your projects.

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