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Double Take Challenge 2018


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Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in?


What do you plan to feature in your double-pages project?


The official registration will open on May 6th and the challenge itself will start on May 20th, so there is plenty of time for you to find your photos and invite friends to join.


And this challenge will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word.


Here is the link again: https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/double-take-challenge/


Let us know if when you are registered, and in order to help and inspire others, tell us what you plan on showcasing. Don't worry, you can always change your mind, but I am sure other participants will love to get ideas.

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I too have registered for the challenge. I'm always eager to learn anything new from  Cassel.  I'll probably use the photos I've taken so far this year of  birds, as I'm an avid bird watcher, and take part each year in  Bird Atlassing.  I document each bird.  This project I finished last night, using several of Cassel's techniques, including the  text wrapping script with the rectangle shape.  She has lots of  other shapes too that I use with that script. The background  I created by  using a small portion of the  branches which surrounded the sparrow, and then used  the seamless tiling, blur.  Looking forward to the challenge.  I hope I will be able to complete each day, as the days are warming up, and getting longer, which means I'm outside more than I'm  indoors. I may  end up burning the midnight oil!  :-) Thank you Cassel!
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Day 1 of the Double Take Challenge. I don't take a lot of pictures any more. My grandson is 11 now and not too thrilled when I put a camera in his face. I can ony take soo many pictures of my cat Heidi! LOL. I liked this 1st template (thank you Carole), but I had to modify it to fit the amount of pictures I have. I used Kimeric Kreations Summer Dream Collection to make it. I won't be doing a "theme" either. I only do my pages as I get pictures to do them. Different seasons, subjects, etc. But, when I'm done, I have a book for the year.

Here's my Day 1 entry.

Have fun doing yours and I look forward to seeing them.



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That looks great Deloris. You are certainly a fast scrapper! And of course, you are allowed to change that template!!

You will also notice that, like you, I won't have a single theme throughout the ictures.e, mostly because I don't have that many pictures. Back in the days, it was fairly expensive, and now, my kids are all grown up and out of the house, and I don't have grandkids yet. But, it will still be a great way to showcase some photos I have, and you will do the same.

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I have never done a challenge before.  I realize it is not a race or contest but it is still a little scary because I have so little time to sit at my computer.  I have had PSP9 for years and learn something new almost every day....thanks a lot to you Cassel!  I have been following you for many years and have learned so much.  Wish you had a magic button to create more time...lol!  Thank you for all you share!



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I hate photos of ME.  But, Karen of Snickerdoode Designs is a friend of mine.  She is making a yearly kit called This Is Me and a new set comes out every month that coordinates with all other months of this year.  She taught me that we don't (normally) make photo books for "us".  We make them for our children and grandchildren.  We should include "us", because we are just as important to our family as they are to us.  So, I have made an effort to include me in my pages sometimes too.


Thank you for liking my pages!





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My husband is out all day playing golf (in the rain?!) so I took the opportunity to work on Day 1 of this challenge. I have decided I will probably have a travel theme running through my pages, a bit of Australia and a bit of England, as most of my photos are places rather than people.


First day showcases Tasmania, a wonderful place to visit although a bit cold, especially in winter. Also you have to brave the ferry across Bass Strait which can be a bit daunting! I thought I would have problems finding enough photos but there are still a lot I could have used, these are representative of what you can see in the "Apple Isle". The ship is the "Lady Nelson" docked at Hobart, it was interesting seeing her as the Information Centre in Mount Gambier (where I live) has a replica of the "Lady Nelson" outside (Captain Grant was sailing the Lady Nelson when he discovered Mount Gambier).


I like using templates but I find a lot of them are mainly designed for portrait photos whereas I take mainly landscape. Being able to join blocks together helps.

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As I said earlier I do not take photos of any type. I did toy with idea of snagging from the web but then I thought "nah, just do what appeals to you". So I went with embracing the inner child. The graphics are by Rajiv and the papers and element are from a kit by Regina Falango "Autumn Design" ... appropriate as we are at the end of autumn here in Australia.



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Marlene, I love your pages.  Where I live in Ohio, we see wheat, soybeans and corn by the acre!  LOL


Sheryl, I love what you did.  Yes, we all need to embrace the inner child in us.  It's nice that you enjoy scrapbooking even though you don't take pictures!


Hugs to you both, DeLoris

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I got a bit of a late start to commence the challenge today, but manage to do this much so far.   My theme is Australian Birds of which I have all these and many more at various times of the year visit my balcony, some appear all the time.   Over the years they have become so used to me that I can feed by hand, others are more wary.


Naturally I have taken lots of photos of the birds, the Kookaburras especially for they sit there and pose as long as there is food.  Several of the cheekier ones even call me to come out.   I only feed them, never handle them and most trust me by now.


Here is page one so far.  Cheers Jan







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