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What are you working on (in March)?


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Thanks for the compliments, Dawn. The font is Marchell which I bought during one of FontBundles monthly $1 deals. In fact, this month's deal is today at noon EST. I'd better see if there are any I want.


Lovely project, Stella. I think you can tell I love the color purple.


I made this card for a friend who loves the Pittsburgh Steelers football team. I started with Cassel's Threaded Ribbon Sampler frame. Then I used her Twine picture tube to replace the lace in the frame. I thought it looked sportier that way, maybe a little like the lacing on a football. It was the first opportunity I'd had to use the twine tube which I was lucky enough to win from Creation Cassel's FB page. The background was made using the Seamless Tiling effect on the Steeler's logo (ssh, don't tell them). Then a little Inner Beveling here and there. I wasn't sure if I loved the result, but time grew short so I ran with the ball. Get it? Ran with the ball? Groan. Okay, I'll stop with the puns now.

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