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Love Story Challenge


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Day 03 of the Valentine Challenge I used pictures of Heidi my awesome cat! I adopted her in September from a shelter she had been in for over a year. It has been fun to see her come out of her shell and become more loving every day! Here she is eating the yolk from an egg I fixed. I love the way she eats with her paw. She is such a lady! LOL I used the darling kit My Punny Valentine from Krisin Aagard. You can find it here:


I used the kalidescope filter, but I made it black and white and made it an overlay for the paper I added.

I can't wait till tomorrow, although, I am running out of family! LOL

Hugs, DeLoris

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Day 3 was much too fun! I must have made at least 10 patterned pages. I could have played all day! I downloaded the .rar file for today, but when I tried to unzip it, I kept getting a warning that it was corrupted. So I used one of the templates from Day 1. This is our three dogs, the two in the bed together are sworn enemies, but they were sleeping together in this photo!
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This is my try at this. I gave up  on the mask - for now. This is my son an his "lovely" dog.  It is very relaxing to do these lessons, if I cannot make them, it only cocerns me, but Cards to Family members are worse, they all have great expectations. I have signed up for the Basic course. Some years ago I loved PSP9, my Laptop will not work with it.
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Hi, I have Paint Shop Pro 2018 and it is not liking these files for day two. I downloaded WinZip and opened them, however PSP will not allow me to work with them. I'm going to have to skip Day 2 for now and see if I can work with Day 3. I was able to make my plaid paper, that was a neat thing to learn. I love everyone's pictures, very nice! :)
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@Cheryl, that is a normal message when you open a .psd file. It only says that because the file contains some layers that are not handled by PSP like Photoshop would, but it SHOULD still open the file. What do you get when you click OK?


@Britt Marie, did you review the tutorial from Day 1? I added some screenshots to help. Maybe you are missing a tiny detail in the steps. Maybe with visuals, it would make more sense?


@Aus, if you find the pattern too busy, you can always reduce the scale and make the plaid smaller. Sometimes, it is enough to make the effect less busy.


@Jennifer, I am telling you, some of those tutorials are addictive! Beware! :)


@Wanda, that simple layout really allows to focus on the important part: the photo!


@Glenson, you seem to have a lot of fun with this challenge, and I am glad to see your pages!


@Sue, although I don't expect everyone to time themselves like you did, I said that these layouts should be quick to complete (unlike other types of busy layouts).


@Marie-Claire, that is a lovely photo! I am glad that you are learning things. There is so much to PSP to discover!


@Jnet, j'aime bien le papier de couleur subtile, et très douce!


@Sandra, nice paper that just emphasise the color of the bird. If you want to take advantage of the whole "mask" effect, you can probably enlarge the photo; although it might get a bit blurred, it might be worth a try if you want.


Seeing how much fun you have had for the first 3 days, watch out for Day 4. It will be a treat!

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@Cheryl, what version of PSP are you using? When you try to use the "mask and show all", are you on the "mask" layer? Are you able to do it using the menu instead (Layers > New Mask Layer > Show all)? As for Day 3, it is possible that you get it at a different time than others based on when you registered. You SHOULD get it 24 hours after you got Day 2. Did you get it 24 hours ago?
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That is why. Highlight the layer that you used to create the floating layer (just below that floating selection layer). That should allow you to add a mask layer.


The reason it won't work with the Floating selection layer is that this layer is only "temporary" and when you defloat, it will disappear so it is impossible to add a mask to such a layer.

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I don't know what template you are using, but start from the beginning: highlight the layer that has the "shape" that you want to turn into a mask (probably that one with uneven edges), select all and float. That will give you the floating selection layer with the correct "shape". Then, go back to the layer just below the one that is currently active. That is the layer that should allow you to add a mask to. Would that work?
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