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Love Story Challenge


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@ micfin, personally, I think that the black background makes the Bokeh and the photo stand out more, along with the text. On the other hand, the lighter one gives a less "serious" effect (although the text is harder to read) so maybe you will need to choose based on the mood of the album, whether you want it more "serious" or more "light".
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Took me long enough, but here is Day 7, finally. I went with a metallic silver; I thought it went better with the background than the gold. If I wasn't so tired, I would have redone the text to be wider or the large snowflake to be thinner. Maybe add a couple of smaller snowflakes. Do we ever really know when we're done with a project? LOL


There was so much we learned from you during this challenge, Carole. I can't thank you enough.


If I haven't already said it, I'll say it now...I am so impressed with everybody's layouts. I loved seeing all the different interpretations. I really love it here. <3

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  • 11 months later...



Couldn't have posted the same thing. I worked on this a half a day yesterday, having problems all the way! Elements are new ones I recently picket up and one of the pictures was from last Labor day. I don't know what I did last year, maybe it's similar? I don't remember what it looked like.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Since we have a PSP Scrapbook Showcase board on Pinterest, who would allow me to post their projects on that board? I could link back to this thread so Pinterest viewers might discover all the resources and masterpieces of the Campus.


Let me know.

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