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What are you working on (in January)?


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DeLoris, it looks like the cat wants the box back - giggles. Eileen, I like all the different techniques you used.


I found this wonderful picture for my group's theme today. The image in the lower left corner is my avatar from the game.


In order to create the corners, I used the pen tool to make diagonal lines so I could have triangles in the three corners. I used the magic wand to select them and promoted them to a new layer. After hiding the background, I added my desired colors to the promoted layer using the flood fill in each of the three selections. With the vector layer containing the pen lines hidden, I reactivated the background and changed the transparency on the promoted layer. After watching a tutorial on ParticleShop recently, I realized that I don't use it often enough so I used it to add the bokeh and laser effects. It's such a useful plugin.


If anyone could tell me an easier way to have created the triangles, I'm all ears. My first instinct was to use the selection tool with the triangle type, but I couldn't figure out how to rotate the triangle.

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Michele, to create a triangle, you can use the Selection tool set to the Point-to-point, like you probably did, or you can also create your own preset shape which can be sized as you wish, without distortion. One trick, if you want to create an even triangular selection though would be this:

create a SQUARE selection

change to the point to point selection mode

hold the CTRL key (to remove) and select from one corner to the opposite and then all around the part you want gone

Now, your selection should be exactly what you wanted. And then, using the Edit selection command, you can flip and mirror your selection to either apply an effect or fill with a color to be replaced later (as a placeholder).


This might become a tip in the Tips and Tricks section!

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Thank you so much, Carole. This is why I need to watch your Framing 101 class at least one or two or more times so the techniques you taught come more naturally to me. When I'm making the pics for my group, I only have an hour or two to make them. Hence, if something isn't ingrained in my memory, I just kind of wing it. Now I'm off to watch your class again. <3
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Hi Michelle, very nice layout and colors... I love the font and it fits so well the LO. I couldn't watch live the ParticleShop webinar from Corel Discovery Center but I will do sometime later next week.


I am copying Cassel's tip for drawing triangles... we never know when we are going to need it. ;)


I decided to make this layout including a frame based on the Framing 101 class. I still have to try some of Sue's frames tips.


The paper, border, and flowers elements are from DiHillerDesigns_Good Vibes freebie. I used cass-Screwheads tubes and cass-CloudAlpha freebie. The font is Bradley Hand ITC.

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Thank you ladies for your lovely comments on the frames. Michele, I love  the paper you made using some of Particle Shop's brushes.  It's a cool plugin.  I've used it on several projects.  It's not a complicated tool to use either.   With regard to making preset shapes, I had this discussion with Cassel some time ago.   It is possible but  tedious. I found  that I was disappointed with the end results. Cristina your frame using Cassel's class, is awesome.  I'm not a scrapbooker, although I have done some pages, since I found Cassel on line.  Some very ornate frames, don't really belong on  a scrap page, saying that I've learnt that almost anything  goes in scrapbooking, it depends on the creators taste, and project. I haven't watched the class yet.  I made this frame last night from memory, after attending the live presentation.
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Thanks, Cristina. If you're interested, the font is Alistair Signature and I got it from FontBundles during their monthly $1 sale. I like how you used the frames on your page. The screwheads made it even more interesting.


Sue, I wish I had your memory to make that frame after watching the class only once. I absolutely love the colors.


I want to play with vectors, Carole :)

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Sue and Michele, thanks for the comments! I made this page/frame inspired by a layout I saw online a long time ago and after watching Cassel's framing class, I decided to make it.


Sue, like Michele, I wish I had your memory to make this frame just from memory... I have practiced this one and the others but only following step by step. :)

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Michele, thank you!! I will try not to forget :)


The painted wood technique is from the Lab 7-08 (August) ... I love those short videos tutorials. Like you I have to win the lottery to become a Diamond member :D ...Right now I can only afford the LAB, and I am so happy with it!

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Michele, every month there is a new module in the Lab. Each module is inspired by one layout chosen by Cassel and has 3 video tutorials of each technique.


Besides the videos, you can download a notebook with PDF file. You have also inspirations layouts focusing on Titles, Elements, Colors/Patterns/Textures, and a sketch/template that you can download. Besides that, you can download a free font. For my needs and means, this is perfect.


Sometime last year or the year before, I don't remember, she offered in a newsletter a link to download for free the PDF file of the Lab 5-Module 09. That is how I got to know in detail what is the LAB. And if you register the Lab you can watch the videos anytime you want... this week, this month, next month :)


Here are some images so you can have an idea.

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Michele, to clarify, The Lab is like a magazine subscription: you start getting issues when you subscribe to it, you keep access to all those and upcoming issues/modules as long as you are subscribed. Past issues can be purchased separately but are not accessible when you join. Although you cannot download the videos, you can download the Notebook which has all the tutorials in writing, with illustrations, in addition to ideas of colors/patterns/elements/etc., a layered template and a suggested font.


Here is the Registrar's Office: https://scrapbookcampus.com/the-lab/the-lab-registration/

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