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May Theme Challenge - POOL


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The theme for May is POOL. You surely have pool-related photos to showcase, or already made layouts about some good time around the pool. Do you have photos of yourself? The kids? The parties?

Let's go!

Post your project in the gallery.

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I started playing with this with the font from the font challenge ( kg-happy.font?fpp=100 ) and a freebee from C F  that was I think a coloring book page. (https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/funny-bird-chilling-in-the-pool-coloring/)   I had fun with it but it did take a while because I was just playing and kept changing things.

cartoon bird in pool .jpg from psp 6 b.jpg

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Ilana sent me two new pool pix from a super-hot day in April! I used a template called Inspiration-TemplateU which I rotated 90 degrees because my photos were portrait aspect. I used a kit titled: ps_melo-vrijhof__summer-splash.

POOL-LOGAN & JONAH-2024_600.jpg

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When I was in California with my family I unintentionally happened to have a little card of Markus with me. I have a little backpack that I often use for a small trip or just for a walk to store a couple of things like my phone and sunglasses. I thought it was empty but Markus was in there and when I checked what the theme of the month May was, I decided to take a picture of the pool and a picture of Markus. I made a sort of holiday card out of it all with a couple of elements I have in my stash. Like Markus: enjoy!


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On 5/10/2024 at 9:11 AM, Ann Seeber said:

An oldie but a goodie: Granddaughter Ilana and her boy, Logan, in the pool.


I was just looking at this again.  Something I noticed was the totally relaxed right hand of Logan.  You can tell he is not stressed at all being in the pool with Mom.

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