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What are you working on (in April 2024)?


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14 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

My last page for April 2024.  I read the  latest post in the blog. Using a table in digital scrapbooking.  Something I have never considered doing, so I thought I would give it a try.  Folded ribbon  and ribbon are Carole's scripts, the lace is a brush. Created a grungy overlay for the  papers, the  leaves is a paper template used as an overlay.   Everything else is my own.  Oh yes, I mustn't forget Carole's  heart corner  punch.  


Hare in summer attire (1).jpg

I read the blog post too and had never thought about a "table" as a starting point.  Great idea and you executed it to perfection.  That shadow on the folded edge of the photo is outstanding.  There is a little bend(arc?) near the corner of the shadow and really "makes it" seem so real.  I must admit to wanting to hug and cuddle and get my face all up in their fur.  I know they'd "love it" too. hahaha.  Poor guy, it would probably give it a heart attack.  I saw on a wildlife rescue show that any wild rabbits, hares etc is hard to rehab because they stress easy (being a prey animal and all).  BTW, love the quote.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Susan Ewart said:

I read the blog post too and had never thought about a "table" as a starting point.  Great idea and you executed it to perfection.  That shadow on the folded edge of the photo is outstanding.  There is a little bend(arc?) near the corner of the shadow and really "makes it" seem so real.  I must admit to wanting to hug and cuddle and get my face all up in their fur.  I know they'd "love it" too. hahaha.  Poor guy, it would probably give it a heart attack.  I saw on a wildlife rescue show that any wild rabbits, hares etc is hard to rehab because they stress easy (being a prey animal and all).  BTW, love the quote.

You can never have to many tuts/masterclasses on shadowing, and Carole has many of them.  Although they are at the bottom of the food chain, 99.9%  can and do out run  any 4 legged predator.  I have coyotes, foxes, badgers, GH Owls and Hawks, and yet the Hare population is  growing.  By all account only Eagles and the largest of the Hawks and Owls can and will take down  Hares successfully, even then 75% will get away relativley unharmed. They do get stressed easily. Their eyes reveal a great deal about their wildness, and how they are constantly on the alert,  as they are free, unlike those kept in captivity tha tare dependant on humans. Also, even with domesticated animals, they don't understand that when they are injured and in our care or rehab us humans are trying to help them.    I have been finding their discarded white winter coats.  I'm sure mice, voles, birds and many other creatures will be uising it to line their nests with.   It is so fine and soft to the touch, and  blows in the wind like fine feathers do. I'm looking forward to spotting this year's young ones.  

Edited by Sue Thomas
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3 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

You can never have to many tuts/masterclasses on shadowing, and Carole has many of them.  Although they are at the bottom of the food chain, 99.9%  can and do out run  any 4 legged predator.  I have coyotes, foxes, badgers, GH Owls and Hawks, and yet the Hare population is  growing.  By all account only Eagles and the largest of the Hawks and Owls can and will take down  Hares successfully, even then 75% will get away relativley unharmed. They do get stressed easily. Their eyes reveal a great deal about their wildness, and how they are constantly on the alert,  as they are free, unlike those kept in captivity tha tare dependant on humans. Also, even with domesticated animals, they don't understand that when they are injured and in our care or rehab us humans are trying to help them.    I have been finding their discarded white winter coats.  I'm sure mice, voles, birds and many other creatures will be uising it to line their nests with.   It is so fine and soft to the touch, and  blows in the wind like fine feathers do. I'm looking forward to spotting this year's young ones.  

That is interesting.  The hares are so big it seems like if they could gather enough courage they could some damage with their back feet.  For the first time this year me and a co-worker have found some of the discarded coats.  I couldnt believe how soft it was and you are so right about the wind, just a little bit and it was off flying away from my hand.  

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