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March FREEBIE Challenge (2024)


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22 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

At the start of this freebie challenge I had the jpeg file and I only noticed much later that I should have downloaded the psp file! So here is a new layout with the psp file and that made it all so much easier, plain sailing like Sue said! I decided to have a bit of fun and made something not from scratch but I used  papers and elements from my stash. I used a kit from the March 2021 Blogtrain called Spring Magnolia, which I found rather fitting because my photo is of a magnolia bud.

Sliped-in Magnolia-600.jpg

You chose the perfect  main background element, as   it would pass for the  Spring Magnolia flower  in the photo.  

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40 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

The cake looks delicious and I would love a slice for Easter 😋. I love the colors on this layout, very subtle but unmistakably Easter! 

I cut into it on the 10th March.  I still have several  slices left,   OK, I'll put the kettle on.  As the Welsh would say   "I'll see you now in a minute"

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14 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

I made the  Simnel cake a month back, for Mother's Day on the 10th March.  The date differs every year, as do Easter.  Traditionally they are  not as rich as Xmas fruit cakes. It has a layer of  home made almond paste  through the centre of the cake and on top. Not being relgious my mother  and I carried the tradition on by  having the cake  for Mothering Sunday.  As it does have significance  for that day.    The eleven balls is suposed to  represent the 11 apostles. I decorated it  purely for an Easter photo, them removed the  eggs.   Finally downloaded the  psp template, to correctly participate in this challenge.  The colours I took from the photo. Pinned element, scallops,  ring is  my own, the tag is one I made back in 2021.  Carole's corner and page punches. 

Simnel Cake Template challenge.jpg

How to make it your own! Great use of Carole's punches. I don't think I've ever used multiple different punches in a project. 

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5 hours ago, Michele said:

How to make it your own! Great use of Carole's punches. I don't think I've ever used multiple different punches in a project. 

Thank you my dear! Where as some  creators will use mulitple patterened papers,  on occassion I  use multiple punches.  I absolutley adore all of Carole's punches. Through her tutorials I have also learnt to  utilize scallops, pinked edges, and more to subtly jass up my  otherewise plain papers. 

Edited by Sue Thomas
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