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Exporting to Preset Shapes

Mary Solaas

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I've run into a problem in exporting a curved arrow created as a vector in one of Lab 11's modules.  I keep getting the message that that name exists in one of the libraries for preset shapes.  I cannot for the life of me find where there is a duplicate.  How many places does a preset shape appear?  Is there more than one place? If I look at the folder for preset shapes, I only find one place where the shapes exist - preset shapes folder! Is there another folder where they are located? I know that there are 2 places for brushes - the brush folder and one in program data.

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There must be some folder where the names are kept.  There is a  curved arrow which is simply nam ied Corel-018.  It doesn't have a name in the showing of preset shapes except Arrow 18.  and it is curved (but not as I made one). I made a curved arrow (vector pspimage) in one of Lab 11 modules.  I saved it as MLS Curved Arrow.pspimage and tried to export it into preset shapes.  I get the message that it is named the same as Corel-018 (which in any of the file folders is only labeled  Corel-018).  So even if I change the name of my pspimage, it still gives me the same message and won't show up in my preset shapes.  Now the funny thing is, mine is listed in my preset shapes, but doesn't appear in my preset shapes when I look for it. Now explain that.  I am so frustrated.  Incidently, the 2 shapes are curved, but Corel's is filled and curves in the opposite direction, mine is only outlined and curves in a different direction.

Edited by Mary Solaas
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3 hours ago, Cassel said:

You might want to review this article: https://scrapbookcampus.com/2018/02/creating-your-own-preset-shapes-in-psp/

The naming convention might be the issue here.

It ended up being the naming convention.  I deleted everything connected with the name of that curved arrow.  The problem was I didn't change the name of the shape from the preset shape I had used to start with and change it to the name I decided to call the finished project.  How dumb!.  Maybe I need that vector workshop again.  I had previously downloaded that tutorial, but didn't look at it since it seemed to be so straight forward.  The other preset shape that wasn't showing up also had a problem with the naming convention.  So, back to studying vector shapes.  Thank you, Carole for your help.  And you too, Rene.

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