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February Theme Challenge - WEDDING


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The theme for February is WEDDING. I suspect that this would be a fairly easy theme to showcase layouts you might have already done for your own wedding, a relative's, or a friend's. That is a theme that generates so many photos that are just waiting to be showcased!

Let's go!

Post your project in the gallery.

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My picture was an older scrap that I recently praised. The detail of a relative's wedding dress was just too beautiful to gather dust in my graphics drive. Unfortunately, the forum where I first showed the scrap no longer exists.
The photo is mine, the remaining credits are on the scrap.


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  • 2 weeks later...

ANNA & TJs wedding reception. (I will also post this in our masks workshop.) Hard to believe it's been almost 12 years! I played with brushes and ended up using corner punches and the wedding bell is also a punch. (in the mask) The text font is Tempus Sans. The frame is called Transparent01 in the PSP frame collection. 


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