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Newsletter Chitchat - August 22, 2023


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What are the odds of this happening.  It gives me goosebumps.  A wonderful story.  

I have been with people who are visiting me (they are from out of town) and they bump into people from their town, not just once, but a couple times.  I very rarely bump into people from my own town, let alone, if I was in another town.  

Edited by Susan Ewart
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I feel my recent attendance at the memorial for my Facebook Friend, Ray Fiore, qualifies. I got to enjoy meeting several Facebook Friends in person for the first time. They had all met each other at various conventions for the book series that brought us together almost 10 years ago, but since the cons were held in places like Dublin and Stockholm, I had never made the trips. Though the occasion was sad, we all enjoyed finally meeting in the flesh. Here's a shot I took of the crew.

facebook friends forever_600.jpg

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What a wonderful stories! I have one of my own. On my father's side there is a lot of family and in my youth we all lived in Rotterdam. So we all came to family gatherings,  birthdays and on New Year's Day. My dad is the youngest and his oldest niece is only 4 years younger the he. The consequence of this is that I have a lot of cousins that are much older, but the daughter - Aukje - of my father's oldest niece is only 2 years my junior. We played together on all those family gatherings but over time when we both moved out of town and had children of our own, we lost contact. However via our parents we were aware of what was happening in our lives, but our parents died and we never met again. A couple of years ago another distant relative of ours died and we both attended the funeral and afterwards there is always a coffee or tea opportunity to meet. She came up to me and asked do you remember me? I knew there must be some relation, but didn't recognize her, after all it was more then 40 years since we saw each other . She was changed considerably and I'm not so much (at least that's what I'm told). Now we have contact again and try to meet once a year (except the corona years) and enjoy the modern possibilities as email, whatsapp.

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