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What did you do (in August)?


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Dawn that page is absolutely beautiful, you certainly have achieved the vintage look, the colours are perfect. I love the contrast with the bright roses. Classie was a lovely young woman, what a shame she died so young. I'm glad you have been inspired by my collages, I do enjoy doing them and they make fantastic gifts.
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Cristina and Marlene....Thank You!  to you both, for your kind comments on my project. I appreciate it very much. I have found some more photos of my Dad so I am going to try and do a page for him over the coming days.......Best wishes to you both



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This is yesterday's project for my FB gaming group. I started with a blue wood-grain background. That beautiful little sailor is something I found on Google. The 3D Chisel Effect outlined her pic nicely and gave it some depth. Then I used the NavyBlues font (free on FontSpace). I duplicated and changed the font layer to raster and repeated the chisel effect. I added the life ring and gave it an Inner Bevel. The Rope picture tube came in handy to balance out the total look, but it comes out in a sort of gold color. In keeping with the blue and white theme I had going I used Colorize and changed the saturation to zero. In order to brighten the rope up, I used the Replace Color Tool with white as my foreground color. Lastly I Buttonized the background in order to frame the entire project.


I would have been unable to do something like this a year ago. I've learned so much about PSP from Cassel and the rest of the Campus members that my artistic side is really coming out now. Thanks to all of you. <3

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micfin, it is great to see another one of your projects.... you have created a  lovely page.. thank you for sharing  what you did.  The Forum continues to be a great way to share our different ideas and techniques and it is a joy to come and view everyone's projects.



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micfin that is a really nice page, love the nautical theme. Your change of the gold in the rope just shows how versatile PSP can be, especially when compared to traditional scrapbooking. I can't draw but PSP and Cassel's tutorials make everything so easy that making your own elements, papers etc is a breeze. Thank you for showing us.
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