Suzy Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 Hi all, Cassel does these millions of workshops, tutorials and classes, and inevitably, she needs a thick display font, usually on the plain side. A normal looking font which is thick. By normal I mean, not hand drawn with a thick magic marker. I have the regular ones…Broadway, I think, but it really does look like Ethel Merman will be belting out “There’s No Business Like Show Business”. So many I have are dated, Blackoak would be great for an Annie Oakley LO, otherwise, not so useful. Are there any cool new ones you could suggest? I am getting dizzy looking at Creative Fabrica, only to find they don’t have many after looking at 100s of pages of listings. (Or I’m looking in the wrong place?) 1
Suzy Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 (edited) I found one at Creative Fabrica. Intimate. It might be too plain, LOL! Photo to follow. And I added Groove Galaxy. Is it too Retro 70s? What are some you use? Edited August 11, 2023 by Suzy 1
Cassel Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 I would look at sites like Dafont or 1001Fonts and browse to see which ones would be bold enough for your needs. In my list of installed fonts, I use these often: Blackoak STD Bowlby Clarendon Blk BT Cooper Black Elephant Fatty Gill Sans Ultra Bold Incised901 Nd Bt Lemon Monsterrat Black Normande BT Poplar Std Ravie Rockwell Extra Bold Showcard Gothic Sigmar One Wide Latin I am not sure which ones are system fonts, which ones might have come with PSP, or which ones I installed years ago. 1
Suzy Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 (edited) Ah that's what I was looking for! Thank you! I can't believe I'm even saying this but 1001 fonts and Dafont (and Creative Fabrica) have waaaay too many fonts for me to scroll through. LOL! HOWEVER, Font Squirrel (and I got the name from a scrapbook designers forum) you can use commercially. Most if not all are just public domain or completely free-do-what-you-want-with-them, and you can use them to make alphas. Plus, they have a logical search IMHO. Here are some I found. Abril Fatface is a lot bigger...I messed up on that one. Otherwise they are true to size to one another. Which ones do you (all of you - anybody reading this) like best? Chime In! Edited August 11, 2023 by Suzy 1
Rene Marker Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 Some of the thicker fonts I have not on Carole's list (and can probably be found on font websites) are: BD Cartoon Shout Big Truck Regular Cafe Rojo Regular Impuls BT Regular Influx Normal Revenue Normal Yard Sale Regular 2
Suzy Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 Thanks, Rene! I LOVE Cafe Rojo and Yard Sale, so thanks for the list! I just realized why I always stop deleting fonts when I'm still in the A's -- I keep worrying about PERMANENTLY deleting them. I am pretty sure that I have an extra copy of most if not all. In fact, the original copy from when I installed them. The difference is that some programs -- programs from Microsoft, Corel -- will directly install the fonts - not put them in a special folder. This means when I delete them, they really are gone. I think I might make a copy of the ones in my system fonts folder, just in case. maybe put it on a thumb drive. The only reason it would even come up is that somebody on here will have the *cutest* LO and name the font they used and I don't have it!!! If I start deleting without backup I will always assume that cute font was one of those I deleted! LOL! 1 1
Cassel Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 @Suzy Why do you keep installing those interesting fonts instead of just using a font viewer? That would allow you to keep all your fonts organized, in folders if you want, and only use them when you need them. 1
Suzy Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 Google Butler Font (it's a whole family, but the Butler black is the heavy.) Also Butler Stencil Both at DaFont. Both good for anything - personal or commercial use. Donationware. and it It's so easy and so cheap to get on somebody's good side by sending $5 -10.00 via Paypal if you love the font 1
Rene Marker Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 @Suzy I copied my fonts folder to an EHD a long time ago. I just move it to every new computer. And, when I download fonts in a zip file, I have a fonts folder on my data drive that I save the zip file to. I unzip it into that fonts folder then install from there. 1
Rene Marker Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 On 8/11/2023 at 9:53 PM, Cassel said: @Suzy Why do you keep installing those interesting fonts instead of just using a font viewer? That would allow you to keep all your fonts organized, in folders if you want, and only use them when you need them. Expand Not Suzy but I tried several different times to use a font viewer. It just never seemed to work for me. And, I'm quite boring with the fonts I use so having minimal fonts has worked out great for me. LOL Also, the last computer I had I wouldn't have been able to use the font viewer. It got to the point that I couldn't even have Picasa open when I was using PSP2021. The computer would freeze all the time. I think there was a gremlin in that computer because it wasn't that old and had plenty of horsepower to run the programs. 1
Suzy Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 On 8/11/2023 at 9:53 PM, Cassel said: Why do you keep installing those interesting fonts instead of just using a font viewer? That would allow you to keep all your fonts organized, in folders if you want, and only use them when you need them. Expand The first several font viewers I got all went belly up. Either they did not make the jump to Windows 7 or the program belched and went bad or the company went out of business or whatever. Remember Font Monster? I loved it! The thing is, you have to load your fonts. You have to flag the (decribe them) you go to a LOT OF TIME CONSUMING WORK to get them to run -- see? I'm getting all fired up just thinking about it! So I decide to expend my filing system so I am in control. If my computer goes phoey, then I have backup. @Font Navigator is the only one I have that is still good, but it's not that great. Now a Corel product I understand, LOL! I started fonts a lot before any font viewer came into being. I have my fonts organized by Foundry, designer and style and within style there are perhaps 30 folders...Scripts has 15 subfolders for example, but Dingbats has probably 50 subfolders. Since I bought a lot of these, or in the case of Bitstream, bought and also won in contests, I actually KNOW what they look like and only need the thumbnail in Windows Explorer to have it go ding-ding-ding that's the one. It wasn't until recently that I started downloading by the bushel. (Liar, liar) . 1
Suzy Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 Oh, wait, Cassel, you didn't think I loaded and installed all those fonts I've been showing above did you? No those are screen shots. I'm trying to choose the best two, maybe three. 1
Cassel Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 On 8/11/2023 at 10:08 PM, Suzy said: Oh, wait, Cassel, you didn't think I loaded and installed all those fonts I've been showing above did you? No those are screen shots. I'm trying to choose the best two, maybe three. Expand Yes, that is what I thought since you were asking about uninstalling. I still use TheFontThing with Windows 10. That is my go-to font viewer when I want to use a specific font for a particular project without installing it. 1
Suzy Posted August 12, 2023 Author Posted August 12, 2023 On 8/11/2023 at 10:24 PM, Cassel said: I still use TheFontThing with Windows 10. That is my go-to font viewer when I want to use a specific font for a particular project without installing it. Expand It's funny you mention that program. It was *right* when that came out that I decided I wasn't going to get another viewer again. I had every one before that, I think, and decided to forego it (I mean I decided not to get it) and never got another one again. I also didn't like the name; it seemed ill conceived. 1
Jannette Nieuwboer Posted August 12, 2023 Posted August 12, 2023 (edited) Ik heb enkele weken problemen met 'The Font Thing' Ik ben mijn mappen kwijt waar ik ze per categorie in bewaard had. Mijn file met sierletters, mijn file met XL-lettertypen. enz. Het zou kunnen dat dit probleem is begonnen met het installeren van de PSP'23. Ik heb er een nieuwe op te zetten maar de pc geeft aan dat dit programma niet meer op mijn pc af te spelen is. Dit is als ik op het blauwe item klik. Gedeeltelijk werkt die nog wel, is nog steeds verbonden met PSP. En de lettertypen die nog resteren werken goed. En alles wat bekend is, is ook goed. Maar ik kan niet meer bladeren zoals voorheen en de letters bekijken.Ook stond The Font Thing gewoon tussen de andere mappen op alfabetische volgorde en niet meer bovenaan in de C-schijf. Ik wilde er een printscreen van maken maar dat wordt niet toegestaan. Edited August 12, 2023 by Jannette Nieuwboer 1
Cassel Posted August 12, 2023 Posted August 12, 2023 @Jannette Nieuwboer Are you using Windows 10 or 11? I still use Windows 10 and TheFontThing still works well for me, even though it is a bit slow to load. 1
Jannette Nieuwboer Posted August 12, 2023 Posted August 12, 2023 (edited) Ik heb Windows 10 en veel cijfers er achter, bijna nr 11. Maar ik heb mijn bestanden teruggevonden. Ik heb ze uit de hoezen gehaald omdat de hoezen niet meer open kunnen in TFT. Natuurlijk ben ik heel blij dat ik ze terug heb. Met dat begonnen de problemen bij mij ook. Ligt misschien ook aan andere programma's die ik heb. Ik heb zowel OpenOffice, Zoom als Grammatica. En een verbinding met mijn mobiel en tablet. in O-O gaan aan de fonts ook open. Edited August 12, 2023 by Jannette Nieuwboer 1
Susan Ewart Posted August 12, 2023 Posted August 12, 2023 Wow, you all know so much about fonts. I do use a font viewer (font base) and chose the paid option so I could just click on the glyph and it copies to the clipboard. I do turn it off when I'm not using it as it can slow down the system (it came with a bunch of google fonts and I had a bunch - too embarrassed to say how many), my system is faster now and when I forget to turn it off I dont even notice the difference. What I'm doing now (to gain control over the masses of fonts) is clicking on the favorite icon (in my viewer) so I know which fonts I use and like. Suzy you have a really good understanding and knowledge of fonts/font families. I want to catagorize mine as well but it seems like a daunting task. Still, I keep collecting them. I do have them stored on my HD in case I decide not to continue with a font viewer. I like the font viewer I use because the glyphs are bigger and easier to see than other viewers I looked at. I do wonder about what happens if the company folds. I have heard terrible things of people having their photos on clouds that folded and they lost everything. Perhaps doesnt happen as much anymore, but in the past. Like Suzy, I like to have control of my assets (pictures, fonts, supplies etc). 1
Suzy Posted August 12, 2023 Author Posted August 12, 2023 Sistah, if you're still collecting them, then they need to be put away as you acquire them! step one is to put in 20 folders of broad categories. Start with categories on the Font Squirrel chart above, maybe? This takes some time, but not more than 1/2 hour, I bet. (It's boring, so just struggle though) You probably already have a folder called Fonts, just add a folder for every category they list in that chart. Don’t put serif with slab serif, put them in different folders. I think of Novelty as being code for “teen aged girl” so anything with an i dotted with a heart. ?. Decide for yourself what is Display and what is Novelty. I put high tech and industrial together. Every time you download, put the file right in the folder where it belongs. Unzip from there at your leisure and have a separate folder for each font. (I didn’t do this for my first 20 years!) tYou need to mark or otherwise flag the Creative Fabrica fonts. Those font licenses are just for as long as you are a member. Not sure how they can enforce this, but that’s what it is. One thing I started to do is download the thumbnail pictures they have with the font at Creative Fabrica. This is the picture where they entice you to buy it. I add that to the folder because I’m adding so many new ones, and so many similar ones, I forget when they look like! Plus it looks nice in the folder. 1
Susan Ewart Posted August 12, 2023 Posted August 12, 2023 On 8/12/2023 at 4:56 PM, Suzy said: Sistah, if you're still collecting them, then they need to be put away as you acquire them! step one is to put in 20 folders of broad categories. Start with categories on the Font Squirrel chart above, maybe? This takes some time, but not more than 1/2 hour, I bet. (It's boring, so just struggle though) You probably already have a folder called Fonts, just add a folder for every category they list in that chart. Don’t put serif with slab serif, put them in different folders. I think of Novelty as being code for “teen aged girl” so anything with an i dotted with a heart. ?. Decide for yourself what is Display and what is Novelty. I put high tech and industrial together. Every time you download, put the file right in the folder where it belongs. Unzip from there at your leisure and have a separate folder for each font. (I didn’t do this for my first 20 years!) tYou need to mark or otherwise flag the Creative Fabrica fonts. Those font licenses are just for as long as you are a member. Not sure how they can enforce this, but that’s what it is. One thing I started to do is download the thumbnail pictures they have with the font at Creative Fabrica. This is the picture where they entice you to buy it. I add that to the folder because I’m adding so many new ones, and so many similar ones, I forget when they look like! Plus it looks nice in the folder. Expand AWESOME! thank you. This is what I need. I have always downloaded the preview too. This year I want to organize all the supplies because my current system isnt working for me. I love to hear how everyone else does it, it gives me ideas and motivates me. I like the idea of catagories, it seemed like I'd end up with a lot of them, but maybe that's what i need. I really only know the basics (serif, non serif, display etc) even though I read the font guide from CF. I didnt know that the licence doesnt stay with you, bummer. Seems like a little bit of false or hidden advertising there. And seriously, who is copying who, have you looked at their fonts (all the same yet diff. designers and then same as ones I see at other font places). You are right, it would be hard to enforce, in fact it would take a team working 24 hrs a day to search for infringement. If I ever did anything for profit I would be buying a licence for the font. This is my hobby, I dont want it to be "work". 1
Suzy Posted August 12, 2023 Author Posted August 12, 2023 Here is a list of mine, but this is after years and years and years! Cactus Jack was from 1996. It has Western Fonts. Retro is divided into 1930s, 40s, 50s, 60 and 70s. (meaning a separate Vintage on the list is a mistake) Script is a world unto its own. When the novelty script fonts and girl-ish novelty fonts first came on the market, the big boys like Bitstream, Linotype and Monotype didn't quite know what to do, so they added a bunch, but they didn't sell. Adobe was starting to go great guns and making inroads that way, too. Adobe was able to sell the more girly fonts, why couldn't they? (The answer is that Adobe hired more women and had more fonts designed by women) So the big houses would have these contests, and I might have been the only person who entered because I won a whole bunch of them, week after week. :)). The commercial advertising houses didn't like them, but people like me did. But people like me were not going to spend $25.00 a font -- well, maybe I did, but not enough to keep a type house in business! So companies with desktop publishing software like Microsoft, Word Perfect, PSP etc, bought them in bulk to offer as "free if you buy this program". At the same time, fonts were being offered at Best Buy and Office Depot on CD Rom, 1000 for $19.95. All the CD Rom people had to do was scan the font and put it through the software. Skip any kerning pairs or alternates and give it a similar name. Voila! You now could own your very own Gill Sans. Fast forward to today, and that's why most places don't allow you to make alphas from their fonts. 1 1
Suzy Posted August 12, 2023 Author Posted August 12, 2023 And the winners are: Monsterrat whole family Bowlby Yard Sale Cafe Rojo intimate Butlers + Butler Stencil and insolent Cassel, I think it’s like cleaning out your closet when you need new shoes. You buy the shoes first so you know how hard / deep you need to clean. ??? 1 1
Susan Ewart Posted August 12, 2023 Posted August 12, 2023 On 8/12/2023 at 6:10 PM, Suzy said: Here is a list of mine, but this is after years and years and years! Cactus Jack was from 1996. It has Western Fonts. Retro is divided into 1930s, 40s, 50s, 60 and 70s. (meaning a separate Vintage on the list is a mistake) Script is a world unto its own. When the novelty script fonts and girl-ish novelty fonts first came on the market, the big boys like Bitstream, Linotype and Monotype didn't quite know what to do, so they added a bunch, but they didn't sell. Adobe was starting to go great guns and making inroads that way, too. Adobe was able to sell the more girly fonts, why couldn't they? (The answer is that Adobe hired more women and had more fonts designed by women) So the big houses would have these contests, and I might have been the only person who entered because I won a whole bunch of them, week after week. :)). The commercial advertising houses didn't like them, but people like me did. But people like me were not going to spend $25.00 a font -- well, maybe I did, but not enough to keep a type house in business! So companies with desktop publishing software like Microsoft, Word Perfect, PSP etc, bought them in bulk to offer as "free if you buy this program". At the same time, fonts were being offered at Best Buy and Office Depot on CD Rom, 1000 for $19.95. All the CD Rom people had to do was scan the font and put it through the software. Skip any kerning pairs or alternates and give it a similar name. Voila! You now could own your very own Gill Sans. Fast forward to today, and that's why most places don't allow you to make alphas from their fonts. Expand Thank you. I'm going to copy this and start formulating a plan......code for: one day I'll get it done. Kidding. I cant keep going like this, the thought of wading through 1000's of fonts to find the right one for my project makes me stick to Arial and Gill Sans Ultra Bold for everything.? 2
Suzy Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 On 8/12/2023 at 8:01 PM, Susan Ewart said: Thank you. I'm going to copy this and start formulating a plan......code for: one day I'll get it done. Kidding. I cant keep going like this, the thought of wading through 1000's of fonts to find the right one for my project makes me stick to Arial and Gill Sans Ultra Bold for everything.? Expand My thought on this is that if you just make some rudimentary folders now, you could download into the proper category as you acquire them. 1
Susan Ewart Posted August 15, 2023 Posted August 15, 2023 On 8/14/2023 at 6:41 PM, Suzy said: My thought on this is that if you just make some rudimentary folders now, you could download into the proper category as you acquire them. Expand Good idea. thanks for the advice. I need it...go check the scripting forum for my last comment and Carole's comment to me before that. It's hilarious. the depths of my stupidity runs deep. It's a good laugh though. 1
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