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What did you do (in July)?


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Here is number 3 of the basic scrap course. The hardest thing is choice of what to use. I chopped and changed quite a few times before things tended to gel together. Anyway, here is a picture of Precious who is an English Bull Terrier and she is no light weight, so imagine the surprise on finding her squashed into this quite small laundry basket. How she got inis one thought but her getting back out certainly caused the mind to boggle and yes she does have a proper bed.


I used a preset shape swirl and used my own image of a Dog Rose that I extracted. Used my own paper backers which I added textures to. I also added some glitter sprinkles I made to add a bit of interest. The font is called Bodoni MT Black.






Sheila xx

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Sheila, very nice page! I like the textured papers, the glitter sprinkles, and the rose you extracted really calls attention. The photo of Precious in the basket is very good, make us wonder too how she did it. :D ... Great work!



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Thank you so much everybody for such lovely comments.


Cassel, shadows are still scary but with your tuts they are getting easier to understand and used right they really make something 3d and I love that.


Solent, I have Cassels glitter and Sparkle scripts and made these scatters some time ago but i can't remember exactly how as I was playing. I know i used the brush variance (love that) to make the variations of the scatter. I will play some more and let you know.


Dawn, I always use my own stuff apart from what Cassel gives us so that I don't infringe on CR which is a minefield and tangled up with legal jargon. My mantra to myself is, if I don't make it I don't use it to stay out of trouble. With a bit of know how, Cassels scripts and tuts you are only limited by your imagination.




Sheila xx






Sheila xx

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Here is number 4 of 5 of the Basic Scrap course. All my own work apart from the Alpha which was a freebie from Cassel. The font is called Troutkings BTN.  The beads were made with the Bubbles and Balls filter and the doily was made with Cassels Laser Cut Doily script.


I changed the coloured paper shapes from square to hexagon because I can. Artistic license....


Anyway, TFL.




Sheila x

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Hi Sheila! another great page. I like the effect on the beads , I must play a bit more with that filter to see what can be achieved. the whole layout blends very nice together. and the story is great with the photo.  well done!.......Best wishes to you...



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Thank you Christina and Dawn. That photo was taken well over 35yrs and I still think of him as one of my babies. He was the most loveliest of dogs, fabulous temperament and obedient. He did think he was human though and would interfere in football games and jump on sledges for a ride down the hilly bank. Ah, lovely memories...






Sheila x

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Here is my last lesson, number 5 of the Basic Scrap course of which I have thoroughly enjoyed doing. For this one I used my own image of a Peacock because he was pretty. I used all my own backers and tubes which I made sometime ago. I cant remember the name of either the font for the text or title and its too late in the day for my old brain to deal with and is urging me to go to bed big time. The title I used a fat font and added a white border to make it look like stickers (I hope). I used Cassels rope directional tube to draw out a loopy thing (a bit like my head at the min) and did some shadowing to try and make it look like it isn't completely flat on the papers. i did the rings as shown, nice new technique. The stitching was made with a brush mark and then Cassels Repeat it script and rough edging script around mat and photo. I used the Halftone filter on it to give it stripy twists and a bit of noise and a tiny shadow.


Think that's it. Thank you Cassel, great lessons.


Night Night


Sheila xx

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Sheila you have created lovely pages for the whole course... Well done!   I love the way you did the rings on this page... stands out really nice. and your colours for the whole page blend well together.  Thanks for showing us your projects!... hope you got a good nights rest.



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