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Theme Challenge - VALENTINE'S DAY


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My granddaughter, Anna, and her husband, Tj. He's a software engineer and she's a speech pathologist. They live in California so I don't see them much. I used some decor from 3 Valentine's kits I had on hand that seemed to be mostly in French. The heart mask was from Carole this season. 


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Today's gaming theme fit the valentine's day challenge. I found a wonderful fantasy picture; I always try to find the original artist, but sometimes I just can't. Anyway, I used cass-Slat Heart-Template and adjusted it as needed. The background is the original pic with gaussian blur and a lower opacity over a white layer. I gave the original black outline of the heart an overlay blend mode. Then I added some selections I flood-filled with black for the stripes and changed the blend mode to soft light. The font is Adine Kirnberg, free from 1001 Fonts.



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Here's another one that fits the challenge. For the Valentine's Day theme, I used AnnieCDigitals Valentine template. The background is a paper from a valentine mini kit by MarisaL of Pixel Scrapper. I used the RemingtonWeather font to try and stay consistent with the wonderful word art Marisa made. And I topped it off one of Carole's lovely bows. (The couple are characters from the game.)




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